You are likely using Forms 2.0.In this case the referrer (with embedded forms) is the page that the form is submitted from.Common misnomer in Marketo.To get the 'came from' page, y...
Also, you can alternatively view the page source of the form page.Find the string "mkto_####" as suchFrom there, go to Marketo and in the URL after "" type #FO[insert t...
LOL. I wish I could say the same. It also seems that Greg is up at all hours, though he has a jump on us in the U.S.A. but seems to be on all the time!
While most do not send emails as text-only, there are some applications, as Josh Hill has just mentioned.To make it seem more personalized and that it came from a 'real' person wo...
We just transitioned from ReadyTalk (for external) to ON24. I like the integration and the tool much better as it seems more robust to me!Have not see a GTW integration, but would ...
It sounds as if you may need to enlist some Velocity scripting.Another alternative would be to create a smart list where the criteria is YourDateField as a filter with the operato...