Kiersti Esparza and Carmi Lopez-Jones.Their 2 sessions were: * Improving Email Deliverability by Design: Best Practices and Strategies. * Optimizing Email DeliverabilityThank you a...
One additional note. If you have any campaigns within the programs, make sure you have the same fields created in both instances, otherwise the program migration will fail.
Hi, Monica.Yes, you can do this pretty easily. If you're in production and want to move a stage program over: 1. Click the New dropdown 2. Click "Import Program" 3. You'll see: ...
Hi, Dona.You'll want to: 1. Create an Email Program 2. Create your email and add to the Email section of the program 3. Click into the "Edit A/B Test" area you see in the lower, r...
Hi, Elizabeth.The "Drip Nurturing" section of the Product Docs page is a good place to begin learning about engagement/nurture campaigns:Easy (Drip Nurturing) - Marketo Docs - Prod...
Also, if you move your cursor over the column name, it'll show you some details around the column or how it's calculated. In the case of Won %, it says Won/Closed.
Hi, Ian.Won % can look a little odd if you are not showing the "Closed" column, since Won % is based off of how many wins you have out of all Closed opps. To make this appear, 1. r...
Josh, we have centralized scoring and IMs as that's how Marketo advised us to set it up initially. What you suggest makes sense. Do you have 1 program for main scoring and IMs with...