I got a request today to send 1 email from 2 senders. This seems counterintuitive, but I need to double check if Marketo can handle 2 email addresses in the from field.
Someone moved a folder and I'd like to know who. It seems like the Audit Log doesn't capture folder moves, only create, edit, and delete. Is this correct?
Forgive me if this is a basic question. We recently launched a campaign where the email was sent on behalf of one of our executives. Their email address was in the reply-to and fro...
Ultimately what worked was to add the full anchor tag (<a> to </a>) to the token script. Then I referenced the token normally {{my.token}} to the Unsubscribe HTML field.
Thank you for the tips. I have updated the logic, but I get an error when I try to add the Velocity code into the Unsubscribe HTML field and approve.
Validation Error approving TE...
I'm trying to append the lead's language to unsubscribe html text via a token. Each piece seems to work correctly on its own. When I send a sample, the script inside of the token i...
When a Safari user clicks on an anchor tag with a mailto modifier, such as <a href="mailto:test@test.com">test@test.com</a> the follow pop-up is display: 'This website has been blo...