Looking around on the community it doesn't look like it's possible to have a separate Unsubscribe link for each branding domain, is that right? (I'm referencing number 6 under "Wh...
Hi Jim, I'm not sure if this applies. Looks like this is for Landing pages and not Email Tracking links. It looks like those two things have different instructions for setting up t...
I'd like to set up a second tracking domain. There doesn't seem to be specific instructions for what the cname should look like for this. All I could find are the instructions for ...
I'd like to have email tracking links for 2 different domains.I found this post that says it isn't possible:Navigating tracking link or landing page domain changes But then the mar...
Hi Sanford,Thank you for the detailed information. I was tempted to use it for a form that's hosted by a partner so I don't have to reach out to them to add some javascript to popu...
Hey Justin, by any chance is there a way to configure Marketo to automatically update the plain text version of the email whenever the html version is changed?