You need to write a JS script and add onblur events on all fields and then create a function to check if all fields have been filled or not. Call this function on each field onblur...
Try the engagement program if the interval is fixed and use a Smart campaign to set your logic to send the next series of emails. Let me know if you need help with the setup.
Ask your CRM administrator to create a custom report and help you with the data. It's easy to build such reports in CRM. If you are a CRM administrator then you can even build this...
The RCM model should be set up after the discussion with the Sales team and by understanding the lifecycle flow in the Sales model. Sometimes we design complex models as per busine...
Add this css on your page or form level.
.mktoForm .mktoButtonWrap {margin-left: 0px !important;width: 100% !important;display: flex;flex-direction: column;align-items: flex-end;}...
It happens when we add/delete data in one system and don't update the other. You should keep both systems identical. Find out the gaps where the sync is getting failed and not sync...
Create a smart campaign. In the smart list tab, add the criteria for Form filled and in the email header section, use the lead email address and lead name token.