I've used DemandBase and RTP. I think the RTP integration with your instance plus ability to do segmented ad re-targeting is pretty much the golden ticket if you're looking to do m...
I think that example is great, except when there are no SLAs in accordance with tasks. That solution implies a proper use of SFDC (ahem!) which means it's awesome in a perfect worl...
Hey Ryan,Definitely have encountered this situation before. Best solution I came up with: creating segmentations by lead owner in Marketo. In no way is this the best/most scalable ...
What about utilizing round robin lead queues in SFDC? I've found that to be exceptionally effective especially with SDRs for regulating volume. Jessica Cross is also a fan.
For backlogging, adding to static lists won't really work. But add the 'add to list' function for leads going forward, and let "each lead run through the flow every time" and that ...
I've always found external tools to be difficult, although utilizing YesWare and/or Outreach (my preference) is always the best for Sales/demo emails. I tend to divide the two buck...
Hey Valerie--are you distinguishing between marketing and sales generated emails? Or just marketing generated emails?Also for SFDC--are you talking lead alerts or actual emails out...