We have this random campaign for 'Calculate Timezone' that has not always been there but showed up in the last week or two and fills up quickly with leads.Is this an internal campa...
Two related questions:1) What is required for the ambiguous 'folder' parameter noted here: http://developers.marketo.com/rest-api/endpoint-reference/asset-endpoint-reference/#!/Ema...
Thank you for the response.I should clarify that the change data value is not working for individual leads, it is not a problem of updating for the same lead running through the fl...
Hi there,We are overriding a text token in a smart campaign via web service API. e.g. text token {{my.variable}}In the flow step, we use 'Change Data Value' to set a custom Marketo...
Makes sense.I believe it's only if you add a break followed by velocity stuffs, so you're removing the newline character? I know I've had issues with it in the past with added spac...
Lel. Nvm.It was ## in the velocity code.To this day don't understand why sometimes strings require that to not add whitespace characters and sometimes it breaks templates such as i...
Hi.Using Movable Ink and am at a wall. I'll get right to it.This works when pasted into an email template using the string output of the encoded date:http://www.movable-ink-6816.co...