I might be misunderstanding, but it seems weird that "mkteditable" divs can't be modules.Our hybrid fluid templates look something like this:<table><tr><td><mkteditable div></div><...
I think the multi-select feature can be taken further to allow for more than one asset/smart campaign to be approved/activated at the same time. It's very tedious for us to approve...
Currently, RTP triggers in Marketo (Clicked RTP Call to Action and Clicked RTP Recommendation) only allow for the selection of RTP campaigns that have already gotten clicks.This in...
Mark Emond I think (Number of visits equals 1) means they only see the campaign once ever. If that option is not set, then they would see the campaign each time they visit the w...
Currently, the audience tab in the Email Program control panel only shows the number of leads in the smart list and the number of leads blocked from mailings.However, when sending ...
I agree, "Copy from HTML" should be a manual option only and not done automatically. It's frustrating to see a completed text version get completely overwritten because I changed o...
I think this feature would benefit SMBs greatly as well. We have smaller marketing teams so even with just a hundred or so programs needing tag changes, the amount of manual work p...