Hi@uditmathurIn Email Insights (Analytics), I wanted to find out the high performing emails and email programs from ad hoc campaignsacrossUS country and a specific form POIwhich we...
Hello folks,Happy holidays 🙂Quick question on email/program performance across a specific line of business.I wanted to find out the high performing emails and email programs from ...
@ilona_buteneersI am trying to understand why static lists are required. I have created two smart lists with random sample filters like you suggested, then I am creating two batch ...
@ilona_buteneersThanks! I'll take a look at the document you have shared that outlines the steps.Should I face any issues, I'll let you know.Thank you so much for this. Happy Holid...
Thanks@ilona_buteneersAppreciate the response.Could you kindly explain a little bit more about the other way of creating Ab tests (withRandom Samples) with screenshots if possible....
Hello folks,Quick question on AB test set up:I have set a simple A/B test for whole emails in an Email Send program which is tied to a CRM campaign code. Now,under the same program...