My company is in the process of brainstorming categories and processes for an email preference center, because right now we only have a one-click unsubscribe option. Few questions ...
I've already archived our email programs from 2017, but I would like to also start archiving our assets that we have not used. If I archive assets (images/docs), but don't realize ...
Hi Greg -Perfect, so since all of the leads in the stream have received both of the previous emails, then I can add the new email to the end of the stream and that should be fine, ...
I have a stream that currently has 2 emails in it, but everyone has already receive these 2 and are exhausted. I need to add another email that will go out tomorrow morning. Is the...
I think I'm going to need to study this velocity coding that I have never heard of before until you mentioned it! I unfortunately know zero JavaScript But hopefully when I get a c...
I know this is probably a long shot from what I've read so far, but is it possible to customize the email that the friend receives after someone forwards it to them via the Fwd to ...
JSON and Velocity Email Scripts are definitely something I have zero experience with lol. Where would I store these both and how would I use them?This seems like the values would n...
We have an email send coming up where we need to use tokens to display the contact's renewal contract number and amount. The contact can have 10+ different contracts/amounts that n...