There could be a couple issues. For one, in the code above I tried using JS to create the form. That didn't work, so i put in tokens for the form ID and it worked better. That code...
I'd like to be able to search for landing pages by wildcard names or by their template in the Design Studio. Yesterday, I made changes to a template used on a dozens of LPs and it ...
Protip: in the Style section of your template, put a token of {{my.CSS-Override}} (or similar name) at the bottom, right before the closing tag.Now, if your program tokens you can ...
OK, but let's say I send you an email to your work address that leads to a page with a form with a social fill option. You click the social button and, because your LinkedIn is tie...
Program reports don't allow date ranges so we can't do a clean report of program performance by year without flushing out the programs. I'm not talking about moving them to a new p...
I want to create an SC that will do some end-of-year cleanup. Specifically, I'd like something to run through all of my programs on Jan 1, write all my success leads to 2015 Succes...
Kind of hard to see the differences without them being side-by-side, so can you explain? One thing to note is that Outlook renders images at 96dpi instead of 72dpi so they always l...
I wrote a couple of types of page templates. One such template will bypass the form if you're a known lead in the system, and present you a button instead. It's not all the difficu...
You can also set this to be a recurring campaign that the lead can flow through each time. Marketo doesn't send the emails out at the time you request, it BEGINS the workflow to se...