I'd like to be able to search for landing pages by wildcard names or by their template in the Design Studio. Yesterday, I made changes to a template used on a dozens of LPs and it ...
Would love to be able to call the program name as a token, like {{program.program name}} so that I can put it into all of my tracking workflows. This way, when it's new year and I ...
First off, "Smart Campaign" should be called a Workflow. A Campaign is something very different in all of our worlds.Second off, quit turning them off. Some get less use than other...
Make the Field Manager more useable! I hate that I have to download my entire list every time I just want to look up the API value of a field. Would love to see the field manager t...
Cross browser compatibility is a reach of a user case, IMHO. Most people tend to prefer a single browser, but in any case it's like saying "What if you're on your phone or on your ...
I'm not a fan of Guided Landing Pages. I looked at them, but I think they have shortcomings. Mostly, you're still tied to de-centralized content. If you wanted to run 2 version of ...