The Developers section has documentation on how to achieve something like this.Basically, here's what you want:form.onSubmit (function() {var vals = form.vals();if (vals.FirstName ...
I thought that too but I'm moving past that point since he's showing code above that's having a discrepancy. It seems like it's able to pick up the name attributes so my assumption...
Someone fancy with JS and JQ wrote that. Sanford Whiteman can verify whether that'll work or not, but the traditional way that's in the online examples is to do it this way:MktoFo...
For a while I was getting B2B emails all the time hyping the ability to add in video to emails, but very few ESPs allow(ed) this. I never went through with investigating any of the...
Best way I've found to pre-fill embedded forms on external pages is to iFrame in a Marketo page with the form, or take them to a Marketo page with the form which then forwards them...
Simply add them into the template. Best way is to edit the HTML for some of the static regions and put them in there, such as {{my.Copyright Year}}, {{my.Bottom Text}}, etc.
Here's a graphic I put together a while ago.Here are some links I've found to German law but, not being a German expert, I'm not positive if this is the best source:Act Against Unf...
the simple version of this is to create a form for each scenario you described above and then have some evaluation function that will return the correct form ID.Something like:func...