Hi Matt,In my scenario, I was sending a confirmation email and two reminder emails for a GTW webinar using the member.webinar URL token. The confirmation email showed the URL corre...
Hi Jenn,Did you ever hear back from Support about this? I had the same thing happen in your exact scenario. The confirmation email with {{member.webinar url}} was an email under th...
Hi Alice,I have not yet, but I believe it has something to do with how SFDC and Marketo treat accounts vs. company names. We keep a very strict naming convention regarding naming c...
Hi Dan,I don't have better news. It's still sending a test email for every single contact selected for the MSI email. So if you were planning to send 200 contacts a MSI email, you'...
Thanks, Josh. I did contact support, and they are telling me it's supposed to do that. If I recall correctly, it used to just send a single test email to check for formatting, etc....
My sales team noticed that in Sales Insight when they send a test, instead of just sending a single test email, they are receiving an individual test email for everyone included in...
@Vikki - That worked - thanks so much! What's the logic behind it?@Josh - I actually wanted the drop-down to show Select as the default, but it keeps showing No as the default on m...
I'm using a select field for a yes/no question in my form. I want the default to be "Select" and the radio button next to "Select" is checked. The form looks correct in editor, but...