@Darshil_Shah1- thank you for the information.It's a limited number of programs using this current channel. As part of QA we would double check the current trigger campaigns and up...
If I have an actively used Channel and wanted to rename some of the Channel/Progression Statuses, would that cause any issues?The values would still mean the same as the original b...
I was wondering if anyone has encountered this issue where as in our workflow setup we have the Create Task and the following options selected in the image. We have Due In: 1 and R...
Hi Darshil - we attempted to save our JS file in Design Studio as you suggested and used the following script src format to serve it on individual LPs to test it out. When we added...
Thanks Sanford! Was able to get the hover text to work with adding span into the display value for each checkbox value. Some of our descriptions are 1 sentence but the box shows up...
We have many landing pages where we have some custom script added in the LP: Custom HTML Head Section.
Since we need to update these pages and the script would only be on selected ...
Is there a way that a Marketo Form can be updated so that we can add a tooltip or a hover text where it shows the description in a box for each value we have listed in each checkbo...
We had a few additional questions that popped up when discussing the options you had suggested.
With regards to the referrerpolicy="unsafe-url" ...
Hi Sanford,
If going with the referrerpolicy option, do we also need to have a new field created to store this value so we could add the value into an alert email?