Do you have the 250ok app? This can help you track the average length of time it takes to deliver emails based on different audiences so you'll know what to expect from your domain...
I believe you can use tokens in the "Send Alert" flow step (triggered campaigns only, I think, but you can always do the request campaign workaround).I wouldn't recommend it. You'l...
Sri- Greg's right, I spoke too quickly. We do this with a non-emailable field because we don't email to duplicates for a number of reasons. Might not work out if you want to email ...
Also, look into mass deduplication tools (Marketo has one and there's lots of others) and go through this list regularly and clean it out. Clean data is the best.
Try the Program Revenue Stage Analysis report in RCE and filter by channel. Drag in the "Program Name" filter in the Rows section and "Stage" in the Columns section. This works for...
Greg's suggestions are great. Also, if the lead purchases a different item than the one he/she "abandoned," but not that product, does that impact how you want to interact with the...
There may be a better way than this, but you could create a smart campaign with the following:Smart list - Member of Smart List, List = Possible Duplicates Blacklist = False (this ...
Thanks! That's what we had originally tried to do, but we ended up with a lot of leads who were unable to see the form, unfortunately. Thank you all for your help. Maybe one day th...