Any recommendations on how to stop salesforce from syncing every lead/contact?My company keeps customer records so we need to keep the information on the Salesforce side but some o...
I looked into that too! But did not find Marketo. We should all go vote Zapier to add Marketo. If they get enough requests, they will look into developing it. It works great with ...
You're right, it is really easy to find. Even came accross it with a simple right click. I also did a double check under the settings tab. It's selected but oddly doesn't seem to...
I recommend you add a spell check button to your Discussions or in all the Community text areas.I usually have to post my comments into Word because I am such a bad speller when I’...
Thank you Rajesh, it was very helpful.So the "allow multiple selections" is only available when select is the input type.I wanted to "allow multiple selections" using a checkbox. A...
I am trying to create a form for leads who request a customized product. I want them to be able to select one or more of 9 available topics so sales can have a better idea what the...
We are starting our resource center with all of our content similar to Marketo's. Are the assets in Marketo or should they be on our website?What's the best way to start or set thi...
Darren,Somthing similar happend to me but my numbers were not so large. Some leads entered into Marketo though the Forward to a Friend link in our emails and were not syncing to ou...