Nice to meet you Andy! Thanks for the personal insight.I'd be interested in hearing about that predictive lead scoring as well. Did you work with a vendor and leverage their servic...
I know you said you could note how much time someone was watching, could you note if someone watches past, say 2:30 and iterate a lead score based on that?
We're trying to do something fairly similar in that we're trying to pass info back to google post form fill-out for ad serving quality purposes.We recently had 78 form fill-outs, 5...
In your example, I'm not sure what I need to use in the URL field of the webhook. It looks like there are two different URLs. Do they both need to be there?
Hey Kyle, I'd like to implement something similar, but I have a couple questions.Are you disabling the munchkin code? If you're not, aren't you overwriting your referrer's info whe...