Mae,Drag n Drop usually works, if it is not working for some unknown reason you can try to click on "Add Image" icon which is next to anchor button on HTML pane.ThanksPriyank
Hi Kim,You can either create a campaign to bucket all the 21K leads into a List and do the export. To be doubly sure you can create a smart list to track lead counts.ThanksPriyank
Dan,Can you confirm if the campaign was activated before the Lead Status was changed for your lead which you are referrencing in your screenshot?If campaign was activated before lo...
Hi Michael, Field API name is not case sensitive, so it would work in your script. If your field only lives in Marketo then NO you can not edit field API name.If your field was cre...
Hi Nicole,This is how Marketo holds Campaigns -1) If you have atleast one trigger then your campaign becomes Trigger campaign.2) If there is no trigger included in the smart list o...
Hi Tom,Can you make sure that your fields are visible to Marketo user in salesforce and there are no field level security set up. If you find fields which you are trying to update ...
Hi Matthew,Qualification rule "Lead can pass 1's a month" would mean from the date of activity of lead entered first time then after one month Lead would be eligible to pass throug...
Hi Nichole,Create a separate Exclude smart list which holds your leads with filter Job Title is xyz OR Job function is xyz. Then create a new smart list using AND filter which woul...
Hi Feather,I would say refresh your screen to see if other user has not unapproved or turned email to draft. If your email still appears with approved, check again in your campaign...