Hi Nathan,There're two types for Checkbox type of field. Change the field type from Checkbox(your current setting) to Checkboxes. That would list down the options that can be check...
We can adjust the "View as Webpage" text or add a "Vew as Webpage" Message. However, there doesn't seems to be a way to edit the title of the webpage that follows.
Jordon,Please use the default setup of the form that Marketo provides and then in Landing page template overide the style of the div where the form is. Replace the postion:absolute...
Hi Nick, Yes, as the A/B test also configures the final send date or the report send date.When we choose to select the winner manualy, we get an option to choose the report date ...
A way around for this can also be to hide the submit button by placing a rectangle over it on the landing page by adjusting the layer of the element(rectangle). This surely doesn't...
Marketo doesn't has any such direct feature in Forms to restrict the email to be submitted again and again. May be you'll need some Jquery to check the values and then match them t...
If you mean the options we have for defining the leads to set a qualification criteria for leads, then you have them here. I hope you mean "leads which qualify your rules" when you...
Hi Carey,Agree with all of them that responsive are very tricky ones and if you need any help to resolve this issue. You can drop me an email on info@grazitti.com or reach me at 65...
Hi,There's a way to color the hyperlink by going into advanced option in the rich text editor itself. Here's another thread with the same discussion, which can help you out.Hope th...