Adding 2 Marketo forms on a single landing page is not possible since it would cause a conflict of IDs. One option is to have a form on a landing page, and on click of the Submit b...
Hi NinaYou can use a contact washing machine to clean up your database. Here's a blogpost that might be helpful: Transform your Lead Database with the Contact Washing Machine. Feel...
You may want to try a logic like this.(Cast 1) Program: Send Email 1(Cast 2) Program: Wait 4 Days - Send Email 2 (Add both Wait Step and Send Email is a single flow)(Cast 3) Progra...
Challenge in Marketo:A lead goes to a referral page and fills the form. If we use standard fields in Marketo, the original lead cookie will be over-written and tracking would start...
You will have to create queue in SFDC and then assign leads from MKTO to the queue. There is no way in MKTO to asisgn leads to a flow. If you want, you can create a flow with choic...
HiI would like to start a discsussion for everyone to share ideas, thoughts related to best practices for improving Marketo Form Conversion. Please share your experiences, hacks, a...
We ran into a similar issue couple of weeks back. Finally, we had to create a webhook to compare the two fields and then push that data back in MKTO to trigger a campaign. If you a...
This is a limitation in Marketo but I don't see it happening too often. In most cases, it would happen only when someone forwards a marketing email to another user, and he clicks t...
I would not recommend using 'Not Clicked in Email' in campaign flow here. I would suggest that you create different smart lists in the same program where you have filters - Not cli...