Product Documents

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Data Processing Addendum (DPA) This addendum includes all required terms for GDPR compliance, plus Standard Contractual Clauses which serve as a safeguard to govern transfers of personal data out of the EU/EEA/Switzerland. Adobe Sign Data Processing Addendum ​ PDF Data Processing Addendum (DPA)​ Japanese Dual Language DPA This addendum contains all required terms for GDPR compliance, as well as Standard Contractual Clauses in both English and Japanese. Adobe Sign Japanese Dual Language DPA PDF Japanese Dual Language DPA​ If you have questions about the DPA, please review the DPA FAQ document attached to this post and/or consult with your legal counsel.
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March 2023 update: The deprecation of the legacy URL patterns will occur on August 1, 2023.   June 2022 update: We have decided to extend the deadline until the end of 2022 with support of old URL patterns ending in January 2023. More information to be provided once a precise date has been chosen.   In 2021, Marketo Engage made changes to the URL structure for Landing Pages, Forms, and Images & Files assets. On August 1, 2023 we will be deprecating usage of old URL structures and these references will no longer load on the web.   Why is this change being made? Technical Details Landing Pages Images & Files Forms What customer action is required?   Why is this change being made? When a Marketo Engage subscription is not configured with a branded CNAME, Design Studio assets use a common hostname shared among all customers on the same pod. This behavior can be exploited in a phishing attack where a user cannot be sure a link to a Marketo Engage hosted asset belongs to the business they expect it to belong to. By updating each instance to use its own unique hostname, it is clearer to users the destination of URLs they are accessing.   Now that all Marketo Engage subscriptions have been migrated to our new URL structure for some time, we will be ending support to the legacy, more vulnerable URL structure.   Technical Details Landing Pages, Form embed code, and resources stored in Images & Files had URLs updated from a hostname shared among all subscriptions on the pod to a hostname unique to each Marketo Engage subscription. Subscriptions configured to use a custom CNAME for their landing pages were minimally affected by this change. Landing Pages Subscriptions without a configured landing page domain Landing page paths will changed to a unique hostname for your subscription. Legacy: Current:   Subscriptions with a configured landing page domain Landing pages will continue to load from your configured landing page domain. No changes will be made. Before: After:   Images & Files Subscriptions without a configured landing page domain Paths to resources stored in Images & Files changed to a unique hostname for your subscription.   Legacy: Current:   Subscriptions with a configured landing page domain Resources stored in Images & Files will continue to load from your configured landing page domain. No changes will be made.   Before: After:   Forms Subscriptions without a configured landing page domain OR subscriptions without landing pages secured by SSL Legacy:     <script src="//"></script> <form id="mktoForm_1"></form> <script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "123-ABC-456", 1);</script>     Current:     <script src="//"></script> <form id="mktoForm_1"></form> <script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "123-ABC-456", 1);</script>       Subscriptions with a configured landing page domain secured by SSL In our October 2020 release, we updated our form embed code to load from the landing page domain when it is secured by SSL. No further changes will be made. Before:   <script src="//"></script> <form id="mktoForm_1"></form> <script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "123-ABC-456", 1);</script>     After:      <script src="//"></script> <form id="mktoForm_1"></form> <script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "123-ABC-456", 1);</script>       What customer action is required? You will need to audit the source code of your web pages to see if these URL patterns are in use by your business. If you have web pages or form usage that pre-date 2021 it is possible they are using the legacy URL pattern.  Most customers configure a CNAME and secure it via SSL early in the life of their instance, minimizing the impact on Images & Files URLs. Prior to our October 2021 release, all form embed codes used the legacy URL structure. If you have usage of Marketo forms from prior to 2021 it is very likely they will need to be updated to use the new URL pattern, which can be found by copying the form embed code from the Form asset page.   For Marketo Landing Pages and Emails, if you used the Image picker or Form picker that are included in the Landing Page editor or Email editor then no change is necessary. If you hard coded references to images or forms using the legacy URL pattern instead of using the pickers then these references will need to be updated to the new URL pattern.   Customer Support does not have the ability to perform this audit for you.   To begin preparing for this change, we suggest doing the following: Configure your Landing Page URLs with a CNAME Secure your Landing Pages with SSL Begin updating pages where you embed Marketo Engage forms with the new embed code introduced in our October 2020 release (requires secured landing pages) Begin an audit of where you reference Design Studio assets on the web. This will help you begin a plan to update any existing references to our older URL structure before we begin deprecation in August 2023. Generally this will be on non-Marketo pages, as our Landing Page editor will automatically format embedded images and forms in a compatible manner. Only references hardcoded to the old URL structure need to be updated, e.g. Relative references will continue to work without need changes e.g.  /rs/123-ABC-456/images/cuteKitten.png. Please work with your web developer to determine where you may need to make updates.
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October 2021 Update In January 2021, we released the Submit Form API endpoint to give Marketo Engage integrators the ability to submit to Marketo Forms through a supported and authenticated REST endpoint. Thanks to customer feedback we were able to identify a lack of parity for critical functionality such as correct handling of duplicate records and support for Program Member Custom Fields. These issues blocked some integrators from successfully onboarding onto the Submit Form API endpoint.   In our August release, we have enhanced the Submit Form endpoint to handle duplicate records the same way as Marketo forms. When there are duplicate records that match an email address submitted to the form, the endpoint will update the record with the most recent Last Modified Date.   In our October 22, 2021 release, we plan to release support for Program Member Custom Fields for the Submit Form REST API endpoint. We understand that integrators will need time to update and test these new changes before they can fully onboard onto the Submit Form endpoint. To allow additional time for migration, we are delaying blocking programmatic POSTs to the /save2 endpoint to our January 21, 2022 release. This will be the final extension.   Programmatic submissions to our form endpoints remain unsupported despite this delay. Please work to update integrations submitting via this method to one that is supported: Marketo Engage forms on Landing Pages or using the embed code, our Forms2.js API, or the Submit Form API endpoint. April 2021 Update   In November 2020, we announced that we will forbid programmatic Form POST submissions to our /save and /save2 endpoints beginning May 7, 2021. The reason for this change is to reject methods of unsupported form submissions used by bots to fill customer databases with spam data.   We understand that many customers may need more time to update the integrations to use a supported method such as the Forms2.JS API or the Submit Form REST API endpoint. We have decided to extend the deadline in which we will begin blocking all programmatic Form submissions to take place on October 15, 2021. Programmatic FORM submissions continue to be unsupported and while we are temporarily delaying enabling validation to reject these submissions, we cannot ensure uninterrupted submission following  upcoming product and infrastructure changes.   For customers that still wish to block this method of form submission to address bot attacks,   will allow you to opt-in to form submission validation on your subscription. This validation will check that form submissions are coming from Marketo Forms, Forms2.js API, or the Submit Form REST API and will reject it otherwise. This is expected to block many common sources of bot attacks.   However, if you have a form integration that currently uses programmatic Form POST to submit lead data, enabling this feature will also block your Form submissions. We encourage all customers to migrate to a supported method of form submissions as soon as possible to protect their subscriptions from bot attacks.   The original announcement is below for reference. The details remain the same aside from the schedule to block programmatic form POST submissions.   What’s changing? In our May 7, 2021 release, Marketo Engage will be making changes to our form platform to protect the stability and security of our infrastructure:   Forms 1.0 will be fully deprecated, resulting in loss of functionality of any remaining Forms 1.0 assets still in use. Marketo Engage will begin rejecting form submissions made through unsupported methods, such as programmatic form POSTs to the leadCapture/save and leadCapture/save2 endpoints.   Why is this change being made? On August 1, 2017, Marketo Engage deprecated the Forms 1.0 editor, removing the ability to create or edit Forms 1.0 assets. This change will complete our end of life efforts for Forms 1.0.   In addition, we have found that our Form endpoints “leadCapture/save” and “leadCapture/save2” are common targets for bot attacks. To protect the stability of the Marketo Engage infrastructure, and to aid customers in maintaining a clean database, we are completely disabling the “leadCapture/save” endpoint and enforcing checksum validation on the “leadCapture/save2” endpoint.   What customer action is required? Forms 1.0 deprecation Provisioning of Marketo Engage subscriptions with the ability to create Forms 1.0 assets ended December 31, 2014. If your subscription was provisioned after this date, then it will not have Form 1.0 assets. Forms 2.0 assets will be unaffected by this change.   Marketo Engage subscriptions provisioned before December 31, 2014 may still  be utilizing Forms 1.0 assets on their landing pages and website. These forms will need to be remade in our Forms 2.0 editor and replaced wherever they are still being used.   Programmatic Form POST deprecation Some integrations may be performing programmatic form POSTs to “leadCapture/save" or “leadCapture/save2” to submit data into Marketo Engage databases. This method of data ingestion has always been unsupported and will cease to work as part of this deprecation. All integrations using programmatic form POSTs must be updated to use our Forms 2.0 API, Push Lead REST API, or the Submit Form REST API endpoint releasing in the January 2021 release.   Customers using native Forms 2.0 assets on pages and/or the Forms 2.0 API do not need to take any action. Checksum validation will work natively with these supported methods.   What happens if customers don’t act? Customers that fail to replace any in-use Forms 1.0 asset with a Form 2.0 asset will find that their customers will be unable to submit to their 1.0 Forms.   Customers using integrations that perform programmatic Form POSTs to the “leadCapture/save” or “leadCapture/save2” endpoints will see these integrations fail, resulting in loss of form submission data.   Is my Form 1.0 or 2.0? Forms 1.0 and Forms 2.0 have different look and feel:   Forms 1.0 Forms 2.0 Marketo subscriptions provisioned after December 31, 2014 will only have Forms 2.0 assets.
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In our first post, we discussed the concept of URLs and UTM tracking. Now that those are in place, we will dive into the setup with Marketo. Here are the high-level steps: Create the UTM fields in order to have a place to store the values Add the fields on your form pages as hidden fields, add to a landing page Setup the Marketo programs and/or smart campaigns to process them Test and check to make sure it's working Step 1 - Create UTM fields If you are setting this up for the first time, or you have inherited a Marketo instance, I recommend checking to make sure these fields are not already in place, or they exist, but are named something else. If you have access, go to Admin > Field Management, and search for any fields containing "utm" or "ppc" to see if they are there. In the screenshot below, you'll see that all 5 fields have been created and are currently mapped to the SFDC lead and contact records. *Side note: The mapping is important if you want the values for leads or contacts since SFDC treats them differently. Also, if you are creating them for the first time, make sure to do it in SFDC and wait for the fields to sync to Marketo or you'll have to get it re-mapped. ​ Step 2 - Add fields to your forms Now that you have the fields created, add them to any relevant data forms. There are two main options for this. If your website uses custom non-Marketo forms, ask your web developer to add the extra fields to the forms and make them hidden. In the field management screen, there's an "Export Field Names" button which will export all the necessary fields that you can provide to your developer. The file provides a mapping for the UTM values that need to be written to from the website form field to the Marketo field. There might be other options such as native plugins that might already accomplish this. If you are adding them to a Marketo landing page, drag those new fields onto your forms and make them hidden. In the Autofill property, choose Edit and you'll see options to chose where the field values will populate from. Choose URL Parameter and type in "none" for the default value or anything that you can filter on later to troubleshoot if it's not working. At this point, the landing page is just waiting for a referring visit with UTM values. Consider what happens when someone clicks a link, but does not sign up right away? The values from the URL parameter must be present at the time of submission in order for this to work. So if someone navigates away and the parameters disappear, then the UTM values will not be captured. To solve for this, we have created a tracking script that will store any UTM parameters it finds into a cookie. Now when a visitor fills out a form that contains the hidden UTM values on a form, the cookie will store the UTM value across the main and subdomains. *Technical Stuff: You can upload the extracted file into the images directory or on your web server. Before doing so, take note to make one change to the file and re-save it for it to work. Open the file with any text editor and looking for a line that says "" and change it to your domain. Once set, it won't expire for another 365 days. The script should be place where your Munchkin script is also placed. It's a simple script that does the following. If UTM parameters are present, store those into a cookie. This means if it comes from a URL and it's the first time seeing it, the script creates the cookie. If the visitor comes back by clicking another link with different UTM parameters, it will replace with the new ones and continue to do so. It's not session specific which means if the visitor closes the browser and comes back at a later date, it will still be in the cookie and keep it for 365 days. Here's a link to the tracking script: So that you can see this process in action, I created a simple form with visible UTM fields on a landing page. When you click on one of the sample links, you should see the UTM values in the UTM fields where they would normally be hidden. If you want to experiment with it, change any of the UTM values after the equal sign and refresh the page. You'll see the new value populated in the field that was changed. Long version: Shortened version: Step 3 - Setup Marketo processing This next part is just ordinary Marketo smart campaign building. Setup the trigger filtering on UTM values. Make sure it's unique enough to process for the individual UTM parameter (campaign, source, medium, etc.). Step 4 - Test and validate Create a few URLs to your landing page and use different combinations of UTM parameters and click on your form submission. Look for the test record and in the custom fields look for the values. If they are there, it's working properly. Keep in mind these values will change each time a new set of UTM values are set. You can run reports on the different campaigns or even down to the add level if programs are setup to track that. This feature is used frequently, so we hope this article saves a lot of time and frustration. Happy Marketing!!
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Included in this article Summary How Leads Become Known Anonymous Web Activity Logging Triggered Smart Campaigns   Revised 9/15/2023 Clarified Qualification Rules Behavior with regard to the date of a triggering activity   Summary When a person visits a web page with your Munchkin tracking code on it, that web activity is tracked for that anonymous lead. When a lead takes action to become known, a lead record is created in your Marketo lead database and the anonymous web activity that lead had prior to becoming known is included in that new lead record. Any smart campaigns that would have triggered off of that web activity will then fire in the order of when the web activity occurred.   How Leads Become Known There are three main ways that an anonymous web activity record can be converted into a known lead in your Marketo lead database.           1. Fills out form. If the anonymous lead fills out a Marketo form, that will create a new known lead record. The anonymous web activity that lead had before becoming known will be associated to that new known lead record.        2. Clicks a link in an email. Hyperlinks in emails are automatically decorated with a tracking code that is used to associate an anonymous record back to a known lead record. If you have a lead in your database that hasn’t had any web activity yet (like a lead that was added from a list import), when the lead clicks the hyperlink in the email, that tracking code in the hyperlink will associate their Munchkin cookie to your known lead record and all of that anonymous web activity will be logged into that known lead record.        3. API call. You can use an API call to associate an anonymous web activity record to a known lead record. This can be done through a SOAP API syncLead call​, or by a REST API Associate Lead call.   Anonymous Web Activity Logging Anonymous lead activity is housed in a different database. This doesn’t create a lead record until the lead is promoted to a known lead. All activity a lead had prior to becoming known will be logged chronologically in the new lead record with the correct corresponding date/time stamps once the lead becomes known.                  Triggered Smart Campaigns Anonymous leads can’t trigger smart campaigns. However, when a lead becomes known, the active smart campaigns that would have triggered from the anonymous activity will be triggered. All trigger campaigns currently active at the time the lead becomes known will be triggered if the lead took the action being triggered on while anonymous. Only campaigns currently active at the time the lead becomes known will be triggered.                The campaign definition at the time it is triggered is what will be executed. For example, if the campaign has a Score Change of +10 but is changed to +5 just before the lead becomes known, the new lead created will be given a score of 5, not 10. The campaigns that are triggered by the anonymous activity will be processed in order of the activities that occurred, oldest to newest. In the lead’s activity log, all campaign activities (with one exception below) will be logged with the time stamp of when the lead becomes known, right before the New Lead activity. Interesting Moment flow step activities will be backdated to the date and time when the corresponding anonymous activity occurred.                  Not all flow actions in the campaign will be executed. When leads flow through campaigns as a result of the promotion to known lead, only specific flow actions will be processed. All other flow actions will be ignored. The flow actions executed will be:           1. Change Score           2. Interesting Moment           3. Change Data Value           4. Add to List           5. Remove from List Secondary campaigns (campaigns triggered off of activities performed by the campaigns triggered by the lead promotion) will not be triggered.                Pruned activities will not trigger campaigns. Anonymous web activity is not stored forever—it gets pruned over time, so any activity that has been pruned is no longer there to be triggered off of. When determining whether a person will qualify for a replayed trigger campaign, the time that the activity occurred is used.  For example, if you have a campaign listening for Visits Web Page events, and qualification rules set to let leads run through once per hour, each event that is more than one hour apart will qualify the lead for the campaign.  This may lead to several instances of the same campaign running for a person upon promotion to known.
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If you have not heard or seen it yet, in the Fall 2016 Release, we were super excited to launch our Content AI (Predictive Content) for Email. This included a revamp of the Content AI App (previously known as Predictive Content).   Content AI is an Application Marketo offers that helps you auto-discover your content, engage your web visitors and email recipients with the most relevant, recommended content powered by machine learning and predictive analytics. See more in Docs here:Predictive Content - Marketo Docs - Product Docs   Here are regular FAQs on Content AI we hear from customers and those interested in the App:   General   Where do I learn more about Predictive Content? Website Product Page: Content AI Recommendations - Marketo Customer Success Story using Content AI : Case Study​ / Webinar Video​ Webinar: Behold the magic of Predictive Content​ Marketing Nation Summit 2016: Predictive Content: Amplify your content through machine learning Request a demo from your Account Manager   How do I find the Content AI App? Is it the same as Web Personalization? Content AI is a paid for stand alone App offered by Marketo. It is a separate product to Web Personalization. If you have purchased the Content AI App, you will see a Content AI icon on your My Marketo page. If you are interested in hearing more about the App, speak to your Account Manager.   Setup   Do I need the RTP Javascript tag to enable Content AI on my website and landing pages? The set up process for Content AI (See Getting Started Docs​) includes adding the RTP Javascript Code onto all pages of your website, including landing pages. This helps us to "listen" to your web activity, to auto-discover your content and display it on your web or email channels as Content AI outputs.   Are there any restrictions on where the content resides? Does that content have to reside in Marketo or can it be in any CMS? The RTP Javascript tag is agnostic to CMS platforms, meaning it works on all types of CMS platforms. Once the tag is on your site, we can discover and track all your content (PDF, embedded video, HTML pages) and use it for Content AI . So, the content does not have to reside on Marketo or Landing Pages or Design Studio. The Content AI part that the marketer prepares based on the discovered content and the part that is shown Predictive on your website or within an email is managed and controlled within the Marketo Content AI App.   Content Discovery   How does Content AI discover my website content? Marketo Content AI "listens" to your website activity, and when any web visitor clicks and views a specific content piece (HTML, PDF, Embedded Video, PPT) on your domain, we capture and discover the content title and content URL and start tracking the content's views and engagements. This  discovered content piece is then displayed under the All Content page. For set up details of Content Discovery see: Getting Started with Predictive Content.   Does the Content AI reporting also show which content has the highest engagement? Yes, the All Content page shows all web content (html pages, videos, pdf, etc...) on your domain that web visitors viewed. These results can be displayed from highest views to lowest.   On the Content AI page, the reporting shows how many web visitors or email recipients clicked on theContent AI piece and can also be sorted to see which was the most engaged piece of Content AI per channel (web or email) or overall.   Tracking Content   How many contacts or content do I need to start using Content AI ? Content AI relates to web content. Content Discovery will find in most cases, we have seen hundreds of content pieces on your domain. The marketer can then go ahead and approve and enable these discovered content pieces for Predictive Content. You can also manually add content pieces to the collection. It is recommend you have 10-15 pieces of content enabled for Predictive (for any channel) to start and keep adding more to this.   Can you create your own Conversion Criteria? We track and display the views on content and also clicks on Content AI . In addition, the metrics we show are conversions (direct and assisted) per content piece, which shows attribution to the content piece in bringing in new People. Conversions: The number of visitors who clicked on recommended content and completed a form in the same visit Assisted Conversion: Visitors who clicked on recommended content in a past visit and completed a form later Currently, you cannot create your own conversion criteria.   Content AI Algorithm   Can you clarify on how the algorithms predict the content? The Content AI algorithms use machine learning and predictive analytics to decide and recommend which pieces of content are relevant for each visitor or email recipient individually. We use a mixture of algorithms that are constantly optimized and improved for best performance and results analyzing clicks and conversions. The algorithms are based on trending, popular content viewed on your website, new pieces of content added to your site, and also takes into account URL paths and user behavior clicks and visits.   Will Content AI show content the visitor or email has already received? There are certain checks and validations in place in order to provide the best experience for the end user receiving Content AI . These include: The Recommendation Bar will not recommend a piece of content the web visitor is currently browsing The Rich Media Recommendation will not show repeat predictive content on the same page and if the user clicks on a piece, we will not recommend the same piece of content they clicked on during that visitor's session. In Predictive Content for Email, a email recipient will not see the same Predictive Content more than once in follow up emails sent with Predictive Content in them.   Does Predictive Content now take into consideration any type of segmentation? So predictive content for segment A versus segment B? No, it is not related to segments, and this would be more of a rule-based style Web Personalization campaign. Instead, Predictive Content takes into account many variables to calculate before producing the Predictive outcome result for each visitor. Predictive Content can also be categorized and shown per category in the Rich Media and Email. See more here: Set Up Categories in Predictive Content   Is the Predictive Content picked at random, or is it based on customer criteria? The Predictive Content is prepared and approved by you. You also select the look and feel of the outcome and where it will appear on your site or in your email body. However, in the end it's the Algorithm that decides which of the approved Predictive Content pieces is best to show the current web visitor or email recipient.   Displaying Predictive Content on Web or Email   What are the Character Limits (Char limits) for predictive content on Web and Email?   Content Name: 255 Chars Bar Title: 110 Chars Rich Media Title: 50 Chars Rich Media Description: 215 Chars Email Title: 50 Chars Button Label: 17 Chars   The char limits are in place in order for the text to fit into the defined styling and look for the bar, rich media and email layout.   Can you see which pieces will be promoted in the email before sending the email? As the marketer, you can prepare and approve the piece of content for each source (email, web). In the end, the Predictive Algorithm decides what the end user will receive. For Predictive in Email, you can preview the layout and category of the Predictive Content, however the Predictive image is not seen until the recipient opens the email, so what you see in the preview is just an example, and will not necessarily be the image the recipient sees. See the process for setting it up and previewing Predictive Content in Email here.​   Can we use only Marketo landing pages, or anything under our company webpage domain? Yes, you can define all html pages, including landing pages, as content pieces to use in predictive. You can also manually add new pieces of content to the application.   Do you recommend Predictive Content for Marketo landing pages? Particularly Thank you pages? Predictive Content for web in the form of the Recommendation Bar or Rich Media is suited for all types of pages. We have customers using rich media on their home page (3 pieces of Predictive Content in horizontal format) below the fold of the home page. We have the Bar running on Blogs or Resources pages. A Thank You page or Thank You email is a great use case to add Predictive Content as these pages or email, usually do not have any call to action, and adding Predictive Content can help create more clicks and engagement by the viewer. You can categorize your predictive content for Rich Media and Email so it would be recommended to show on that Thank You page Predictive Content related to the thank you submission (eg. white paper, case study, webinar, blog post).   Can you alter the code of the predictive content to be flush with a font style/coloring? Predictive Content Rich Media for Web can be styled accordingly with font and colors. See here:​. Predictive Content for Email is a Predictive image generated upon email open, so it is offered as 8 different fixed layouts and the Marketo user selects one. See documentation here: Enable Predictive Content in Emails.   Can you use categories in the "web" or "rec bar" versions like you can in emails? You can use Categories in Rich Media for Web and in Predictive for Emails. Currently, the Recommendation Bar does not support categories. Categories allow you to group your content and present predictive outcomes on web (rich media) or email. For example, you can work only with blogs, or with content in a particular language.
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Creating an A/B Test program in Marketo Create a new Program in Marketo:                2. Choose the Campaign folder, provide the program name and choose the program type and the channel: Channel should be Email blast 3. Create a new asset within the program: 4. Choose Email program as the asset: The idea of creating Email program as an asset within a program is to have the ability to track progression statuses in a better way with the original program being the one tracking statuses.        5. Give a Program name and choose the type and channel:     6. Create an email within the email program and approve the email:        7. Go to the Email program created: 8. Choose the email created and approved in the steps above: 9. Add the A/B Test to your email:    10. A/B Testing can be done based on Subject Line, Whole emails, from address and date time: 11. For this example let’s choose subject line: 12. Define the subject lines for the email on which we are trying to test and choose the sample size of the test: In the above example, we chose 20% as the sample size and we have 4 subject lines to test. So 5% of the audience list will each receive email with a particular subject line and the winner will be send to the remaining 80%. 13. Define the Winner criteria based on which the email would be treated as a winner and you can also declare winner manually after viewing the test results: 14. Schedule the test and the winner, choose the email address you want to send notification to: 15. Click on Finish: 16.Verify the details and click on close: 17. Define the smartlist(audience) for this email send: 18. Define the filters for the smart list:    19. The audience details will be reflected in the program now: 20.  Approve the program:    21. Once the test is run successfully, the results can be seen as shown below:   
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In September 2022, we released two Marketo Engage Performance Tier packages: Performance. Additional performance to meet the needs of high demand marketers. Performance Plus. Highest level of performance to meet the needs of any marketer. When you purchase a performance package, additional infrastructure is allocated to your Marketo Engage subscription. This allows your subscription to scale to meet increased demands.   Each package has a set of defined thresholds for various capabilities as described below. The thresholds represent the highest level of performance that can be achieved when using best practices. Exceeding a threshold may adversely impact performance or cause undesired product behavior. Each threshold falls into one of four categories: Entitlement, Scoping Parameter, Performance Guardrail, or Static Limit. For category definitions, and threshold values, please see the Marketo Engage Product Description here. If you would like to know how your current product usage compares with these product thresholds, please contact your account representative.   Note: Nothing changes in how Marketo has always operated, it still is a multi-tenant system and the mileage one gets is dependent on overall activity level within the subscription as well as within the data center. Published values should not be interpreted as throughputs one should consistently expect. Rather, the values represent the maximum performance thresholds/guardrails beyond which purchasing a performance package would become required.   Activities Marketo Engage supports a wide variety of activity types which are related to Person records. Every data change, action, or flow step is recorded against a Person’s activity log. These activities can be leveraged in Smart List and Smart Campaign filters and triggers. There are two activity-related scoping parameters: Maximum Number of Activities – Rolling 7-day Average Maximum Number of Activities – Peak Per Day The Rolling 7-day Average is the total number of daily activities over a 7-day period divided by 7. The time span goes back several weeks from time of retrieval. The Peak Per Day is simply the largest number of activities observed in a day over that time span.   Campaigns There are two campaign-related performance guardrails: Maximum Trigger Campaign and Segmentation Throughput Maximum Batch Campaign Throughput Campaign performance is highly variable. The type of program, the complexity of the program (smart list filters and triggers, flow steps, etc.), the number of persons that qualify for program all contribute. In addition, environmental factors such as the current load on the system will impact performance. Throughput in the context of campaigns refers to the volume of campaigns that run to completion over a given period. The Standard level of performance represents the base level of performance provided out of the box. The higher levels of performance provided by performance packages are expressed in terms of multiples relative to Standard. Using batch campaigns as an example, a throughput improvement of 8 times greater than Standard can be achieved by using the Performance package (10 times greater when using Performance Plus package).   Email There is one email-related performance guardrail: Peak Batch Email Send Rate Peak Send Rate is the maximum number of emails that can be sent in an hour. Send rates are supported for sustained periods of up to 4 hours per day, and up to 4 days per week. Marketo Engage supports both shared and dedicated IP addresses.  When you use a dedicated IP to send email, your messages are sent from a unique and exclusive IP. As such, you have complete control over your email sender reputation and thus email deliverability. Multiple dedicated IP addresses are used to efficiently distribute large email volumes leading to higher throughput. To achieve the highest send rate available using Performance Plus, you must use 5 dedicated IP addresses (Email Delivery Services and Power Pack are included).   CRM Sync There is one CRM Sync-related performance guardrail: Peak Sync Rate with CRM System Peak Sync Rate is the maximum number of records that can be synchronized in an hour and in a day. Sync rates are supported for periods of up to 10 hours per day. The rates for Salesforce and Veeva are similar due to using the same underlying technology. Sync rate performance is highly variable due to the nature of the sync process. The CRM vendor's API response time, the number of objects and records and fields within each record, whether creating new records versus updating existing records, all these things impact performance.   API There are two API-related static limits: Maximum Purchasable Number of API Calls Maximum Purchasable Size Limit for Bulk Extract Jobs Number of API Calls is the maximum number of calls that can be made: In a day (daily quota) Over the time span of 10 seconds (rate limit) At the same time (concurrency limit) Purchasable means that these limits can be increased by purchasing a Performance, Performance Plus, or in some cases by purchasing an addon. Please contact your account representative for more information. These static limits are strictly enforced. Exceeding a limit will cause the API to return an error.   Data Model There are six Data Model-related static limits: Maximum Number of Custom Object Records Maximum Number of Custom Objects Maximum Number of Fields per Custom Object Maximum Number of Custom Activities Maximum Number of Fields per Custom Activity Maximum Number of Fields per Contact Custom Object Records refers to the number of database rows that have been written for a given custom object. Custom Objects refers to the number of custom object definitions.  Fields per Custom Object refers to the number of fields defined within a custom object definition. Custom Activities refers to the number of custom activity definitions.  Fields per Custom Activity refers to the number of fields defined within a custom activity definition. Fields per Contact refers to the number of custom fields defined for a Person. Custom objects are most efficient if the fields are defined when objects are first created. Fields that are defined afterwards are slower to insert and update. If updates are not needed, then custom activities should be considered as an alternative. In many cases it is better to have several custom objects with fewer fields versus a single monolithic custom object with many fields. Consider your schema carefully before finalizing on usage.   Data Ingestion There are two Data Ingestion-related performance guardrails: Maximum Number of Web Page Visit Activities Processed Maximum Number of Form Submissions Processed There are two web page visit activities: Visit Web Page, Clicked Link on Web Page. Both occur when a person interacts with a web page that has been instrumented with Lead Tracking JavaScript.  Marketers should only instrument web pages that are related to marketing campaigns. Typically, these are landing pages that are placed in the body of an email. When a person submits a Marketo Form, a Fill Out Form activity is generated.  Forms can be hosted on Marketo landing pages or on a customer/external landing page (embedded). Settings for the Standard package are sufficient to handle typical web page visits, and form submission volumes.  If not, you may see a lag between the actual time of activity and time when the activity is available within Marketo. If you have trigger campaigns that leverage either of these activity types, high volumes can cause the trigger campaigns to fall behind.   Segmentations There is one Segmentation-related static limit: Maximum Number of Segmentations This is simply the number of Segmentations that can be created in a subscription.  Segmentations are implemented as a system triggered smart campaign. The campaign is triggered when a field in the Segment Rule is updated.  If the rule references many fields and/or the referenced fields change frequently, this can adversely impact performance.   Engagement Programs There is one Engagement Program-related static limit: Maximum Number of Engagement Programs This is simply the number of Engagement Programs that can be created in a subscription.
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Forms serve as a valuable point of entry to your Marketo Engage database for your prospective and existing customers to express interest in your business. They also serve as a portal for malicious actors to flood your database with junk data, hoping to trigger emails to use in phishing attacks, to overwhelm your business services, or to DDoS our platform. We are rolling out enhancements to strengthen the security of Marketo Engage forms to address this growing problem in the industry.   These features are releasing throughout Q3 2020 and will be available to all Secured Domains for Landing Pages customers. No changes to your forms or landing pages are needed to take advantage of these enhancements.   EDIT: We have delayed the rollout of our form field validation to Q1 2021 to ensure a high level of quality.   Bot Spam Blocking We have identified bot patterns common among most spam attacks on Marketo Engage forms. These patterns were identified by examining form data captured in bot attacks for values that were impossible to have been submitted by a human submitter. This new feature will introduce server-side validation on standard Marketo Engage form fields that will reject submissions of illegitimate values that match these bot patterns.   Sever-side form field validation Today, Marketo Engage forms enforce field data rules with client-side Javascript validation that is easily circumvented by bots or users that disable scripting in their browsers. To address this, we are enhancing forms with server-side validation of form field rules. These include: • Validation of field type. For example, checkbox form fields must be submitted with boolean values; numerical form fields cannot contain alphabetical characters, etc. • Presence of required fields • Values in Select type fields must match the configured list of values • Configured max length of field value is not exceeded • Numerical values fall within the configured minimum and maximum values Submissions to Marketo Engage forms that fail validation will return an error with the offending field highlighted with an error message.    Frequently Asked Questions:   Can my business define its own custom logic for rejecting form submissions based on submitted field values? Unfortunately, not at this time.   Should my business continue to use CAPTCHA, honeypots, or Javascript validation on our forms? We anticipate these enhancements will reduce the need for solutions such as CAPTCHA or honeypots, but they can still serve as an additional layer of security against bots for your forms. Custom Javascript validation will continue to give your business granular control over form field validation on your landing pages and web pages.   Will you block specific IP addresses we commonly see associated with spam? IP addresses on the internet are often dynamic and are recycled by ISPs to be used by multiple devices. Blocking an IP address could result in legitimate visitors unable to fill out your forms. It is also trivial for an attacker to switch to a different IP address or use a distributed network of IP addresses to spam your forms, which makes IP address blocking an ineffective long-term strategy.
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Included in this article Summary Anonymous Web Activity Logging Triggered Smart Campaigns Smart List Filters Summary The goal of the upgrade to the anonymous lead promotion process is to increase the capabilities of what Marketo can do for you. With this upgrade, Marketo will be able to increase the volume of web events we track significantly. With a substantial upgrade like this, there are many technical details, so here’s a peek under the hood to see what the moving parts are. Anonymous Web Activity Logging Anonymous lead activity will be logged in a new way that doesn’t create a traditional lead record. All activity a lead had prior to becoming known will be logged chronologically in the new lead record with the correct corresponding date/time stamps once the lead becomes known.          Triggered Smart Campaigns Without a lead record, anonymous leads can’t trigger smart campaigns. However, when a lead becomes known, the active smart campaigns that would have triggered from the anonymous activity will be triggered. The campaigns that are triggered by the anonymous activity will be processed in order of the activities that occurred, oldest to newest. In the lead’s activity log, all campaign activities (with one exception below) will be logged with the time stamp of when the lead becomes known, right before the New Lead activity. Interesting Moment flow step activities will be backdated to the date and time when the corresponding anonymous activity occurred.         All trigger campaigns currently active at the time the lead becomes known will be triggered if the lead took the action being triggered on while anonymous. Only campaigns currently active at the time the lead becomes known will be triggered.                The campaign definition at the time it is triggered is what will be executed. For example, if the campaign has a Score Change of +10 but is changed to +5 just before the lead becomes known, the new lead created will be given a score of 5, not 10. Not all flow actions in the campaign will be executed. When leads flow through campaigns as a result of the promotion to known lead, only specific flow actions will be processed. All other flow actions will be ignored. The flow actions executed will be:           1. Change Score           2. Interesting Moment           3. Change Data Value           4. Add to List           5. Remove from List Secondary campaigns (campaigns triggered off of activities performed by the campaigns triggered by the lead promotion) will not be triggered.                Pruned activities will not trigger campaigns. Anonymous web activity is not stored forever—it gets pruned over time, so any activity that has been pruned is no longer there to be triggered off of. Smart List Filters The “Is Anonymous” filter will be removed so it can’t be selected any more. This doesn’t remove the filter from where it’s already in use, it just removes it from available filters. Any “Is Anonymous” filter still in use will have the following results:           1. “Is Anonymous” = True Smart Lists will return zero results, Smart Campaigns will fail and won’t run.           2. “Is Anonymous” = False The filter is ignored because all leads will be known.           3. “Is Anonymous” = True in combination with “Is Anonymous” = False using OR filter logic Smart Lists will return zero results, Smart Campaigns will fail and won’t run. The “Is Anonymous” filter needs to be removed from any place where it is in use. For more detailed information about this, please visit the Customer Action documentation here.
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Included in this article Summary Since the “Is Anonymous” filter is being removed, Analytics reports won’t be able to add it into the smart list of the report. The “Is Anonymous” filter will be taken out of the available filters that can be chosen, but is not removed from any Smart Lists where it is currently in use. For more information about removing the filter, please visit the Customer Action documentation here. Reporting on Anonymous Web Activity Just because the “Is Anonymous” filter is being removed doesn’t mean you can’t get reports on anonymous web activity. The Web Page Activity Report and the Company Web Activity Report will continue to show anonymous web activity. To get anonymous activity to show in the report, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the Setup tab and double click on the “Activity Source” setting. 2. In the dialog box, select which source you'd like to view. Your report will now show anonymous web activity! Affected Reports Not all Analytics reports allow smart lists, so not all Analytics reports will be affected by this upgrade. The reports below will be the ones affected and will have the "Is Anonymous" filter removed: Web Page Activity Company Web Activity Email Performance Lead Performance Engagement Stream Performance Email Link Performance Lead By Revenue Stage Leads By Status Sales Insight Email Performance
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Included in this article Upgrade Overview Changes Inside Marketo UI Customer Action Analytics Reports Release Schedule Under the Hood Upgrade Overview Marketo is upgrading the way that anonymous records get promoted to known leads. This upgrade will allow Marketo to track larger volumes of anonymous web activity without needing to create anonymous lead records, freeing up system resources to be used elsewhere. Anonymous lead records will no longer be created, but when a lead takes action to become known (filling out a form, clicking a link in an email), the previously anonymous web activity will then be pulled into the new known lead record. Changes Inside Marketo UI Anonymous leads will no longer be created, so there won’t be any need for Marketo to reference them. The “Is Anonymous” filter will be removed as an available filter to be added in Smart Lists, Smart Campaigns and Reports. Lead Grids like the Leads tab of Smart Lists will not show any anonymous leads. The Lead Database home dashboard will be upgraded to show more useful details like the number of Marketable Contacts and Top Lead Sources For more specific information, please visit the UI Changes documentation here. Customer Action The main action customers will need to take will be to remove the “Is Anonymous” filter from any place it is currently in use. Instance Notifications will give direct links to all places where the “Is Anonymous” filter is being used. For more detailed information, please visit the Customer Action documentation here. Analytics Reports The “Is Anonymous” filter won’t be able to be used in Analytics reports. Anonymous web activity will still be able to be tracked and reported on. For additional details about this, please visit the Analytics Report documentation here. Release Schedule           Winter Q1 Release: February 3 rd —5 th . UI changes made, anonymous leads become inaccessible. Post Winter Q1 Release – Staggered rolling release. This process will take months to complete. Back end rollout of lead promotion changes, Analytics reports and Munchkin upgrades occur For more specific details, please visit the Release Schedule documentation here. Under The Hood Anonymous Web Activity will be logged to the lead record after the lead becomes known. Active triggered campaigns will be processed when the lead becomes known, but some flow steps will not be processed. Secondary campaigns (campaigns triggered off of activities performed by the campaigns triggered by the lead promotion) will not be triggered. “Is Anonymous” filters still in use and set to Is Anonymous=True will return zero leads. For more technical details, please visit the Under The Hood documentation here.
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Included in this article Action Needed Expected Behavior Communication Plan Locating Filters in Use Action Needed The main action customers will need to take will be to remove the “Is Anonymous” filter from any place it is currently in use. The upgrade will take the “Is Anonymous” filter out of the available filters that can be chosen, but does not remove it from any Smart Lists where it is currently in use. Since this will affect the performance of your Smart Lists, it requires a reevaluation from the customer side to make sure the Smart List is doing what it should. Expected Behavior Since the only leads in the database will be known leads, any “Is Anonymous” filter set to True will fail and will not result in any leads. Any “Is Anonymous” filter set to False will be ignored.                      For more information about the technical details of this upgrade, please visit the Under The Hood documentation here. Communication Plan Email notifications will be sent to all customers notifying them of the upcoming changes. Instance Notifications will be sent out through the UI to alert customers of the upcoming changes. For more information about where to locate Instance Notifications, please visit the documentation here. Locating Filters in Use Instance Notifications will come up regularly inside of the Marketo UI to alert customers that the “Is Anonymous” filters are in use and where to find them. These will look something like the one below: These Instance Notifications will carry hyperlinks to all places where the “Is Anonymous” filter is currently in use. You will be able to click through directly to where the filter is in use to adjust it accordingly.
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Included in this article Summary Smart Lists Lead Grids Lead Database Analytics Reports Summary After the upgrade to anonymous lead tracking, anonymous leads will no longer exist in the traditional sense. Therefore, there won’t be any need for Marketo to reference them. All of the places where anonymous leads are currently visible will be updated as part of the upgrade process. Smart Lists Smart Lists will no longer have the “Is Anonymous” filter as an available filter that can be added. This will include all Smart Lists, Smart Campaigns and Smart Lists inside Analytics Reports. Lead Grids Lead Grids like the Leads tab of Smart Lists will not show any anonymous leads. Anonymous web activity will still be tracked, but anonymous lead records will no longer be accessible, so the only leads that will show up are the known leads. Lead Database The Lead Database home dashboard will be upgraded. The pie chart showing known and anonymous leads will be upgraded to a dashboard that gives more useful details like the number of Marketable Contacts and the Top Lead Sources for your leads. For more information about the Lead Database Dashboard, see the docs site article Lead Database Dashboard - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Analytics Reports Analytics reports will no longer have the “Is Anonymous” filter available to be used in the smart list of the report. Anonymous web activity will still be visible. The Web Page Activity Report and the Company Web Activity Report will continue to show anonymous web activity. For more specific information about these changes, please visit the Analytics Reports documentation here.
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Included in this article Release Timeline Customer Notifications                Release Timeline      1. Winter Q1 Release – 2/3/2016 and 2/5/2016 The “Is Anonymous” filter in Smart Lists (Including in Reports and Smart Campaigns) will be removed for all subscriptions. Customers will not see anonymous leads in Lead Grids (example: Leads tab of Smart Lists). Anonymous lead detail pages will not be accessible. The main chart in the Lead database home will be changed. For more information on these items, please visit the Changes Inside Marketo UI documentation here.      2. Post Winter Q1 Release – Staggered Release The back end rollout of lead promotion changes (Munchkin V2) will begin. This will be a staggered rolling release over time. As these back end releases occur, that is when the lead promotion behavior, Analytics report changes and Munchkin scale/performance upgrades will occur. This staggered release will take months to finish. A firm timeline is not known yet. For more information on these items, please visit the Under The Hood documentation here. Customer Notifications Email notifications will be sent to all customers notifying them of the upcoming changes. Instance Notifications will be sent out through the UI to alert customers of the upcoming changes. For more information about where to locate Instance Notification, please visit the documentation here. For more detailed information on what these specific notifications provide, please visit the Customer Actions documentation here.
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What’s changing? In the June 2020 release, Marketo is deploying an update to the infrastructure that supports batch campaign processing. This a necessary step to prepare for forthcoming performance improvements. The update will be deployed in a stepwise fashion across all subscriptions over the course of the next several months and is expected to be complete by end of year 2020.   Why is this change being made? As platform demands increase, changes must be made to accommodate. This change is to lay the foundation for anticipated performance demands going forward. Incremental updates to several services will be performed to ready the system for the future improvements.   What customer action is needed? None. This is a seamless update that occurs behind the scenes.   How does this impact customers? There is no customer impact.
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[FAQ attached below this article]   What's Changing? On August 31, 2020, Marketo Engage will implement a new retention policy specifically for Sent & Delivered Email activities. Under this policy, data for these two activity types will be stored for a rolling 90-day period from the activity date for use in Smart Lists. This is a change from the current default retention period of 25 months, and from the current Extended Data Retention subscription option period of 37 months.   Upon the policy taking effect, data older than 90 days for these two activities will be deleted and no longer available for export. Any Smart List with the “Was Sent Email” and “Was Delivered Email” filters (including NOT Was Sent and NOT Was Delivered) should be updated to ensure the maximum lookback date is 90 days.  If the lookback date is greater than 90 days, the Smart List will continue to function, but only activities that are 90 days old or less will qualify.   Why? In 2020, we are improving critical parts of the underlying Marketo Engage infrastructure, including Batch campaign processing, similar to the Trigger campaign improvements made in 2019. This new infrastructure, in combination with the new retention policy, is expected to result in shorter lead time with large email sends and faster segmentation processing to deliver significantly faster processing to our customers. Note, the revised retention policy is one, among several, aspects that come together to deliver this improved performance, but broadly speaking reduced retention helps with faster database look ups and search across the run-time infrastructure.     What's NOT Changing? Aggregated data – including Reports, Dashboards, and Analytics – will not be affected by this change (unless they reference a Smart List with these activities).  The new policy will not affect any activity type other than Sent and Delivered (for example, Was Opened activity data is not affected). Further, this change does NOT affect Engagement Program casts.   What Customer Actions Are Needed? First, you'll want revisit where and how you're using these two activity types. Audit your Smart Lists and ensure the date ranges for these two activity types are less than 90 days - if you must use a date greater than 90 days, we suggest running a process to export to an external system. You will need to create this before the new retention policy takes effect on August 31, 2020.  Information on how to export activities using APIs can be found on our Developers Documentation website.   We appreciate you understanding as we move toward an enhanced Marketo Engage experience for all customers. Please download and review the FAQ attached below for further suggestions, workarounds and additional information.  
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Personal thanks to Stephane Hamel​ for providing this document. If you have an feedback, .. if you find it useful, if it helps you, if you see any errors or things that could be improved - let me know! Please let Stephane Hamel​ know.
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Here are a couple campaign request form templates that were developed to capture all the information needed to build a webinar program in Marketo. I build a lot of these one-off programs and was finding myself spending too much time tracking down information from various people. The attachments are as follows: Campaign Request Form - External (used when campaigns originate from a department outside of marketing (ex. Sales)) Campaign Request Form - Internal (used when campaigns originate from a member of the marketing team) Campaign Request Form - External First tab: this is the tab that the campaign originator will complete Second tab: this is an example of what a completed webinar campaign request form will look like Third tab: this is an example of what a completed email campaign request form will look like Campaign Request Form - Internal First tab: this is the tab that the marketing team member will complete to originate the campaign Second tab: this tab contains the appropriate tokens used for emails/landing pages Third tab: this tab contains the appropriate information for GoToWebinar Fourth tab: this tab contains information need to post a portal ad The additional campaign tabs are added to the external request form once received by the marketing team. We also use a Google form for some project requests. That may be an option too!
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Starting in the October 2022 release, we introduced a minor change to Marketo REST API response message.   What is changing? First, let’s begin by looking at the standard defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC 9110.    In particular, the standard for Control Data in response messages: “Response message control data includes a status code, optional reason phrase, and protocol version.”   For example, typical response message control data for a successful HTTP request would be “200” for status code, “OK” for reason phrase, and “HTTP/1.1” for protocol version.   Now, let’s cover what is changing.   The reason phrase will change depending on the deployment of infrastructure.   Why is this change being made? As part of ongoing maintenance, we must update infrastructure components to newer versions to keep pace with industry change.   What customer action is required? Action is required if you use an integration that is built using the Marketo REST API and that integration depends on the reason phrase.  If so, then your integration must be changed to remove dependencies on the reason phrase and instead should rely on the status code.   Note that this is an unlikely scenario as most HTTP libraries and integrations already use the status code.   When must customers make the change? As soon as possible.   What if customers don’t act? Integrations using the Marketo REST API may not function correctly.
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