Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

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Level 4

UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

hi all, I just wanted to confirm that we can add some externally generated utm's to our emails without any negative implications on tracking in marketo, email, munchkin or otherwise? 

for our internal marketing reports & GA we will have a utm per email campaign.


thanks in advance, Mike


PS I do plan to test this before we go live in any case to ensure it all works correctly.


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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

That's fine. Marketo does not use the common utm_* query parameters itself. It's always up to you to decide whether to attach utm_* and which analytics package you use to track them (while developed by Urchin/Google, they're also supported by others such as Clicky).

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

That's fine. Marketo does not use the common utm_* query parameters itself. It's always up to you to decide whether to attach utm_* and which analytics package you use to track them (while developed by Urchin/Google, they're also supported by others such as Clicky).
Level 4

Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

perfect, thank you

Level 4

Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

Excuse me, as well, sorry, please do you know if/how we add UTM's to snippets? ideally these would be different per email campaign so I'm really starting to not see any point of these snippets if this cant be achieved.


thanks, Mike

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

Well, you can use {{my.tokens}} in the snippets and ensure that they have localized values at the respective local program level available to customize the values in the assets within them.



Level 4

Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

great, thanks for coming back to me! So I add in the UTM tokens at program level, then how do i select them on the header/ footer logo snippets for example?

thanka again, Mike

Level 4

Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

Or are you saying the token UTM's are added in the tokens' and we'd need different header & footer snippets for each campaign, with diff utm's

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

Add a {{my.token}} in the snippet, you'd not be able to see the token appearing in the insert token dialog's dropdown while adding the token in the snippet, but you can add the token despite that. Now, you'd need to create this custom my token in the program/campaign folder level with UTM values applicable to that tactic. All assets created within it (program/campaign folder) should be able to reference the local UTM data added to the token.


The header and footer snippet assets shouldn't be created individually for each tactic (there's really no point in all this if that was the case). Snippet would reference the same my token as well, however, each program would have a different localized value for the token. Let us know if you have questions. 🙂



Level 4

Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

Right, thanks Darshil, you say its not worth it, but surely lots of people click headers & footers (even if sometimes inadvertently), and then we'd want those clicks going into GA/our internal system via the UTM. I just cant understand why the system is built like this. I just want to add UTM's to content which can be used across multiple emails. Sorry for venting, appreciate the help you're providing!
as you say, it might not be worth the amount of clicks we'll get on these, but that's a decision for someone else on my team!

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: UTM tracking & Munchkin code/ email tracking

You got me wrong there! I wasn't saying that you shouldn't add program-specific UTMs as tokens in the snippets, rather I was saying that if you'd need to create a separate header/footer snippet with UTM values for each tactic, then there would be no point in using tokens in it. To be clear, I'm totally with you on adding program/tactic-specific UTMs in the email links.