Re: URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

Level 2

URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

Hi there,

I had a question. I currently have a 'Welcome and onboarding' Stream but my team who aren't very digital are wanting to place leads that came from a Dev focused event into the 'welcome and onboarding' stream. The only issue with this is that they will probably unsubscribe because they would probbably be confused as to why they went to a large dev event then get sent an intro email about it.

My team have asked if I can just drop them in Email 2, 3, 4 BUT skip Email 1?

I think it would be better to create an event specific stream and place content there and then move them by transitions rules into 'Welcome and onboardin' stream, (SKIP EMAIL 1 INTRO) but be dropped into Email 2 (Product free trial),Email 3, Training and certification, Email 4, dev newsletter etc?

Basically my question is: Can additional contacts be added to any stage of the drip and nurture?



Level 7

Re: URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

Hi there Lizzie,

Unfortunately, there's no official way to skip an email within an engagement stream - however - there are a couple of workarounds to get the results you are looking for.

New Stream

Like you said - it's pretty easy to create a new stream with emails 2-4 sitting within it. This way, the developers will skip email one entirely.

Default Programs

Engagement programs track an email's ID to check whether it has been sent to a lead record before. This means that by putting your list of developers in the Welcome + Onboarding stream they'll get the first email when the program triggers. You can force Marketo to skip over this email by housing it within a Default Program, then, upload your list of developers as Members of the Default Program for email 01. Unlike individual email assets, Marketo checks to see if a lead record is an existing member of a program - if they are, it'll skip over the program and move onto the next whether the email has been sent or not.



Level 10

Re: URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

You could have stream 1 with email 1 and stream 2 with email 2, 3 and 4.

Then it'd be a matter of setting up smart campaigns:

1. If leads generated by "non dev focused event" start in stream 1, if leads generated by "dev focused event" start in stream 2

2. when stream 1 exhausted, start stream 2 (hint: use a weekly batch campaign)

Level 2

Re: URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

Hi both,

Thank you for your advice. You have been most helpful! Do any of you have experience with webinar leads?

  • I also run webinars on Brighttalk but would like to add any leads that 'attended' or 'watched on demand' a 'dev' specific webinar that is very related to this drip and nurture to be added to this also. How would you implement this? Is this easy to do? and then add transition rules that apply via a smart campaign?
  • My end goal is to move people who have met the goal criteria. It may be MQL, a certain lead score, or level of engagement. Target Goal (No emails) Move people that should not receive any content going forward as they met the end goal in there.


Stream One - Welcome and Onboarding

Stream Two - Fast stream - based on behaviour score

Stream Three - Slow - based on behaviour score

Event specific - Any events we ran that are for developers - series of event related content - We would add any leads to this stream that attended our event

Webinars - any leads from a dev ran event who show interest - Add any attended/replays from the SFDC campaign - how does it work with third party like brighttalk?

Many thanks

Level 7

Re: URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

Hi Lizzie,

Do you have your webinar platform (Brighttalk) integrated with Marketo? Do you have these leads current sitting within a separate webinar program? And are their program statuses changing to something like "Attended" or "Attended on Demand"?

If you have a program set up to manage your webinars, ensure that program status values are being changed to match their corresponding status - e.g. Attended, Did Not Attend, Attended on Demand etc. If you have a Smart Campaign that exists within the webinar program that triggers off the back of something like "Program Status is Changed to Attended, Attended on Demand" the flow step could simply move people to the correct stream in your nurture program. This can be set up as a triggered smart campaign and also run separately as a batch smart campaign to migrate leads already marked as Attended/Attended on demand.



Level 2

Re: URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

Firstly, I think an engagement program (particularly one for a different audience) isn't a suitable program or method to run these follow up emails and you'd be better off running a mini drip within the event program. The less edits or custom tracks you need to make to your EP the better.

Josh gave a great answer - an alternative method to the list import would be to edit the nurture program's progression statuses & add a 'exclude from program' (member) status. You can then keep your existing setup but exclude your dev audience from selected assets/nested programs by giving them this status for assets you don't want them to receive. The EP will then skip that asset and move them to the next asset.

Good luck.

Level 6

Re: URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

Hi Lizzie,

To echo what Alex said above, I don't believe an engagement program is your best solution here. As he mentioned, it would probably be best to set up as a separate event program mini-drip.

You can, however, skip emails within an engagement program. If you don't already have your Best Practices templates (created by Marketo) inserted into your instance, it could be a great place to start. First you'll go to import a program. Once you do that, you'll select the settings for the Advanced Drip Nurture.



Since you can use Default Programs within a Engagement Stream, you'll see that there are Nested Email programs in the stream and in the Local Assets folder. Also, you'll see that the flow step of that 00-Skip Email Smart Campaign changes the program status to Skip (which effectively skips that email). In your scenario, I would create Email 1 as a default program instead of just a local asset.



Level 2

Re: URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

Hi Josh, Alex and Bryan,

Thank you all for your helpful comments.

  • Do you have your webinar platform (Brighttalk) integrated with Marketo? YES
  • Do you have these leads current sitting within a separate webinar program? YES
  • And are their program statuses changing to something like "Attended" or "Attended on Demand"? YES 'Attended from Target Accounts' and 'Attended on demand from target accounts' - we are only interested in target accounts not logo

Current set up in Brighttalk/Marketo set up for a webinar closely related to this dev drip and nurture campaign



  • I would prefer this to all sits under the 'Webinar' stream because for all my developer drip and nurture engagement campaign all my assets and sends sit outside of the program (See below screenshot 'welcome + Onboarding' stream - they are programs which mean they sit outside of it but send the emails.
  • so I created a program below smart campaign for it? Does this make sense to do?





Since brighttalk already sends out automatic follow up emails etc my team want it so they get dropped into a series about developers with the cadence being every 4-5 weeks with 10 emails. so I am not too sure the below you sent would apply for what I want to achieve and my team would prefer it all sits under the devdrip and nurture program.



Level 10

Re: URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

Hey Lizzie - if any of these answers helped you come to a solution here it'd be great if you marked the most helpful one as correct or marked your question as assumed answered - it'll make sure this thread shows as resolved in community & help other users having similar issues out!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: URGENTLY NEED HELP = Nurture Campaign

Interesting ideas from everyone.

First, read this Master Nurturing and Marketo Engagement Programs which describes what Alex and Bryan are getting at.

You are overthinking this. You want to have a more Generic Drip that can be an Engagement (or Irregular Drip Program) that meets the needs of most leads that haven't actually signed up for a product.

You can certainly manage potential Skips as above, although that seems overly complex to me. Nested Programs become complicated fast.

Welcome/Onboarding is for only people who buy or trial a product, not for leads. So you haven't really explained the use case here.

What you should do is:

  • Engagement for Net New or Non Product People. The Streams can be by Product Interest, Events, or Funnel Stage with varying speeds. Really up to you.
    • you could also have more than one depending on scenarios. Whiteboard it.
  • Engagement for Onboarding which is only for Trials and can potentially Transition Paid people to a new Stream where they get new content.
    • Transitions are only driven by smart campaigns.