The Marketo email performance report and email insights (and potentially others) are not truly reflecting the unsubscribes.
It seems like the only unsubscribes that are reflected are the unsubscribes from email - and are not factoring in those that have filled out/submitted the global unsubscribe form. I've noticed a significant gap (i., email performance report shows 9 Unsubscribes yet when I run a smart list on those that received the email and submmitted the form there are significantly more. Also in earlier emails before I used the {{system.unsubscribeLink}} system unsubscribe token and linked directly to our Marketo page the numbers were significantly higher as I could run a smart list for delivered the email and viewed our unsubscribe page.
Right now I'm having to run smart lists for unsubscribes that incorporates "delivered the email" and "filled out the global unsubscribe form - and then manually adjust the numbers before I send it to my stakeholders so that the true unsubscribe counts are reflected. This is a lot of extra work on my part and I can't count on Marketo to subscribe them to the email performance report.
I would really like to see this issue resolved - can Marketo adjust the logic/algorihm so that the unsubscribed count is adjusted
Any thoughts? Is this in the works?
Thank you.
When unsubscribes are not tracked to an individual email, it would be misleading (in the opposite direction) to apply those unsubscribes to *all* emails. Or perhaps I'm not clear on the behavior you want when someone generically unsubscribes.
If you are that concerned, please post an Idea or call Support. There are ton of possibilities here.
Curious why the stakeholders are looking at this data so closely? As long as you are under .20% per send, you should be fine. Higher indicates purchased lists or unwanted content perhaps.
Existing articles that may help
Email Performance Report - Not reflecting the true view of unsubscribes. (you posted earlier, and I suggested something)
+1 Sanford.
Thank Josh,
Here is what is in our Admin --> Email area. Based on this can you point out where we should be making the adjustments? Thank you
Hi Josh,
Hoping you can weigh in here (seems like something is missing)
Here is what our LeadMD consultant addvised me to put in the footers on our email teamplates:
<p> If you'd like to be removed from all future email communications from Blue Shield of California, <a href="%mkt_opt_out_prefix%UnsubscribePage.html?mkt_unsubscribe=1&mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK##" style="color: #0082de;">Unsubscribe here</a>.</p>
Here is what he advised us to put in the Admin --> email area
Something seems off - as it pertains to the system unsubscribe token we are using.
<p>If you'd like to be removed from all future email communications from Blue Shield of California, <a href="{{system.unsubscribeLink}}" target="_blank" style="color: #0082de;">unsubscribe here</a>.</p>
<p> If you'd like to be removed from all future email communications from Blue Shield of California, <a href="%mkt_opt_out_prefix%UnsubscribePage.html?mkt_unsubscribe=1&mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK##" style="color: #0082de;">Unsubscribe here</a>.</p>
If you'd like to be removed from all future email communications from Blue Shield of California, click here %mkt_opt_out_prefix%UnsubscribePage.html?mkt_unsubscribe=1&mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK##