Re: Tracking down a PDF to be replaced

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Level 1

Tracking down a PDF to be replaced

Hi all,


I've recently taken over a Marketo instance and I'm still learning the ropes. I have a couple of PDF assets that I need to replace but I can't seem to find them in design studio or elsewhere in Marketo. Is there anyway to search by their URL to find where they are being used and how I can go about replacing them?


Thank you!


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Tracking down a PDF to be replaced

You could search for the "<file-name>.pdf" string in the "<rest-of-of-asset-url>/images/<file-name>.pdf" asset URL in the Design Studio > Images and Files, and you should see the file.


For replacing the file, you could select the file you want to replace. Click the "Images and file actions" dropdown > "Replace image or file" and upload the file that needs to replace the existing one in the dialog that pops up. Check out this documentation page on replacing an image/file in Marketo.





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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Tracking down a PDF to be replaced

You could search for the "<file-name>.pdf" string in the "<rest-of-of-asset-url>/images/<file-name>.pdf" asset URL in the Design Studio > Images and Files, and you should see the file.


For replacing the file, you could select the file you want to replace. Click the "Images and file actions" dropdown > "Replace image or file" and upload the file that needs to replace the existing one in the dialog that pops up. Check out this documentation page on replacing an image/file in Marketo.





Level 1

Re: Tracking down a PDF to be replaced

Thank you! 


That seems logically like it should work but unfortunately its showing as no results. Is it possible for these assets to live anywhere else? I've even been looking file by file with no results.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking down a PDF to be replaced

Are the assets hosted on your LP domain (i.e. or similar)?

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Tracking down a PDF to be replaced

Assets (files, images, etc.) could only be uploaded in the Design Studio > Images and Files folder in Marketo. You could verify if the assets' URL matches your LP domain to cross-check that they're actually hosted in Marketo only (as Sandy suggested as well).

You could also check a couple more things to search your file in Marketo:

  • In case you have multiple workspaces, are you searching for the file in the correct Workspaces?
  • Could you try searching by selecting the Show Archived files as well?
