Lead Score Alerts - How to Show Event That Triggered Alert

Level 1

Lead Score Alerts - How to Show Event That Triggered Alert

We have lead scoring setup for our sales team, and currently alerts are only sent out once a lead crosses the set thresholds for their lead score. (Ex. b/t 1-5, 6-9, etc.)

The sales team has asked if it possible to see what specific event triggered this lead score change and alert. Right now we have "Source Type" and "Source Info" in the alert email, but those only pull in their original source, not the source for the lead score change. 

So for example, we have an IM set for "Clicks a link in email". If this event pushes them over the threshold to alert sales, they want to be able to see in that alert what it was that happened to boost their score. And if it was a marketing email event, what email it was that they engaged with. 

For email events specifically, I know how to include this in an alert, but as I'm understanding it right now, that would involve adding an extra alert that would get sent every time a lead engages with an email. 

I've looked into using Trigger Tokens for the alerts, but I can't quite figure out what would be useful in this situation if there is one at all. Any advice or feedback would be appreciated!
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Lead Score Alerts - How to Show Event That Triggered Alert

If you’re triggering on an Email event, {{trigger.name}} is the name of the email. On a Program Status event, {{trigger.name}} is the Program. And so on.

Level 10

Re: Lead Score Alerts - How to Show Event That Triggered Alert

If you need to create more context to Interesting Moments, you might want to take a look at this idea:


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Lead Score Alerts - How to Show Event That Triggered Alert

The chief idea is to create interesting moments using the correct trigger tokens that the sales could refer to instead of looking at the sales alert email for all the key prospect engagements. If you still want to go with the latter, you can always create fields to store the last source/interaction detail, have a setup to update those, and include the fields' data in the email.


In most cases, the last interaction would have caused behavioral score change, triggering the sales alert email upon reaching certain thresholds. Of course, this is difficult to manage and would need you to have a solid alignment between your scoring model and interactions (which is usually difficult to manage given that there could be so many sources/channels that would not trigger the score changes, the reason people use interesting moments as it makes the job of a marketer easy).


Any reason why you don't want to use interesting moments and instead want to add the last source details in the alert email? With interesting moments, sales are able to see all the data and not just the first/ and last interaction of a person - they could get (or atlease make a close estimate) of the interaction that would have made them reach the threshold by looking at the interesting moments.