Token's not populating

Not applicable

Token's not populating

Hi Guys,

I've got a bit of a problem with tokens pulling through to a sales alert email in a lead scoring programme. I've built a programme to generate a MQL sales alert. The email is triggering successfully but the token details i.e. first/last name, type, company dets etc. The only field that is pulling through is the lead score. I've included 2 attachments one of draft email showing the tokens and one of an example delivered email alert.

I haven't experienced this with any other programs I'm struggling to understand what I've done wrong here. Any ideas/advice would be great.



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Token's not populating

Hi Dave,

Hard to say, your email looks fine at first glance.

Those fields may be blank on some of the test leads coming through, due to some gap in the process.

You can check your smart campaign that is sending the alerts, and review the last few leads that have gone through to see if all the information is available on the record in Marketo.

You can also run a test smart campaign on a test lead that you know is correctly populated, to check if there is something wrong with your token setup.

Smart List: email address IS (check this lead to see if all details are populated)

Flow: Send Alert  (send it to yourself)

Schedule: Run once

If the test is successful, then the issue is probably missing data in the lead records. If it is unsuccessful, it is probably the email alert that is built incorrectly.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Token's not populating

I suspect there are a few issues in addition to what you said:

  • trigger activating before the data is complete
  • token in HTML is broken somehow and Marketo didn't pick it up. I've seen this happen where you have to delete and re-insert the token due to some hidden HTML issue.
  • You can do a live test, but why not just test the Sample Email against that lead or do that in Preview? I don't trust preview entirely, but it might point to an issue quickly.
Level 4

Re: Token's not populating

One last suggestion is to review the HTML.  If the tokens were copied from an alternate source it's possible the curly brackets are actually a non-compatible test type that the system can display through the editor but not interpret for token processing.

Level 9

Re: Token's not populating

Yep, also check to see the latest draft email is actually in an approved state.

Not applicable

Re: Token's not populating

Thanks Darrell,

The test was successful, so can eliminate any issues with the token. Could it be an issue with the program set-up?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Token's not populating

I see.

So per Josh Hill​, it could be an order of operations issue.

The trigger is firing before the data is being populated.

Either that or some leads are entering your system with a lot of missing info.

Are you able to review a few leads where the tokens were blank?