We've requested that the Email Suspended At field be mapped to Salesforce - but this isn't passing over to Salesforce at the moment. Has anyone had success syncing Email Suspended / Email Suspended At / Email Suspended Cause as well as Email Invalid / Email Invalid cause to Salesforce? We're looking to dashboard invalid and suspended emails in Salesforce.
Hi @Will_Craig ,
You can find additional information in this post about these fields in SFDC - https://nation.marketo.com/t5/Product-Discussions/Enabling-Sales-People-to-Marketing-Suspend-or-Unsu...
From @Josh_Hill13 response - "Unlike Unsubscribed, Marketing Suspended DOES NOT sync to SFDC. You would have to create this in SFDC and map it or set a SFDC field and then automate the change data value whenever Marketing Suspended Changes."