Re: Smart List members smaller than the number of e-mails shown in results

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Smart List members smaller than the number of e-mails shown in results

I just executed a campaign that I thought had 723 members. When I look at the members of the Smart List, it also shows just 723 records. However, when I checked the campaign for results after I deployed, it showed that the campaign sent 6320 records! I am checking results in the "lightbulb," not under the analytics tab.

Why would this be? The filters that I set up in the Smart List were intended to segment a very small subset from SalesForce - which it appeared to do. The filters are correct, so there are no anomolies that could have snuck in. So where is it getting those extra records? I looked, and they are not duplicate names with different e-mails, either.

Or, am I misinterpreting what I am seeing? Are there really 723 members....or 6320?


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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Smart List members smaller than the number of e-mails shown in results

The REsults tab shows the number of log activities created by this campaign. This is NOT the # of emails sent.

It is possible that if you ran the campaign a while after you first checked the counts, then marketo would only pull in people who matched your smart list at the time the batch ran.
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Re: Smart List members smaller than the number of e-mails shown in results

Hi, Josh. No, that's not possible. This list was imported and the counts of the main list never changed. If I use the same filters in another campaign, the counts wouldn't change.

This is, however, a 4 part campaign. 1) Send e-mail, 2) Opens e-mail, 3) Clicks link and 4) Fills out form.

To make this even more perplexing, I checked under the Analytics tab, and it's showing about 1200 e-mails sent!  See


This is what I'm seeing...


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Re: Smart List members smaller than the number of e-mails shown in results


I agree with Josh, and I think you're misunderstanding his comment a on the results tab, you are indeed seeing the number of log events as opposed to the number of people who received the email. If you look at your screenshot, you'll see different lines for things like opened email and unsubscribed. A person does have to open the email before they unsubscribe, so you're seeing two log actions for that one recipient there. Does that make sense? (I was initially confused about that also!)

Josh's second comment is that perhaps the numbers would have matched if you checked them right after the campaign ran, because it would be possible for you to check the report at a time when you could only see Email Delivered and Email Bounced log items. In theory, you'd be able to get the exact same number at some given point in time, but it would be difficult to catch that particular moment.

I can't weigh in much on the Analytics tab information - I'm still learning that part. 

Hope that helps!