I just executed a campaign that I thought had 723 members. When I look at the members of the Smart List, it also shows just 723 records. However, when I checked the campaign for results after I deployed, it showed that the campaign sent 6320 records! I am checking results in the "lightbulb," not under the analytics tab.
Or, am I misinterpreting what I am seeing? Are there really 723 members....or 6320?
Hi, Josh. No, that's not possible. This list was imported and the counts of the main list never changed. If I use the same filters in another campaign, the counts wouldn't change.
This is, however, a 4 part campaign. 1) Send e-mail, 2) Opens e-mail, 3) Clicks link and 4) Fills out form.
To make this even more perplexing, I checked under the Analytics tab, and it's showing about 1200 e-mails sent! See
This is what I'm seeing...