Re: Shopping cart / Payment transaction on Marketo LP

Level 3

Shopping cart / Payment transaction on Marketo LP

Hi Everyone,

Curious if anyone has ever implemented any kind of cart / payment transaction solution from within a Marketo landing page . Have a use case for this for paid events (we're trying to transition off an event platform which is too cumbersome and inflexible for our use case). Marketo LP & Form would handle registration for the event on a specific day, date and location as normal through an event channel. However, upon marketo form submission, a transparent redirect to a transaction handling platform such as paypal payflow gateway to handle payment detail entry. Once the transaction is complete on the transaction platform, it redirects back to Marketo thank you page. Subsequent confirmations, etc are sent after the succesful transaction.

Thanks for any help / ideas!

Level 4

Re: Shopping cart / Payment transaction on Marketo LP

I have not implemented e-com on Marketo pages directly but since you are redirecting to Paypal for payment, there should not be any issue. Are your Marketo pages secured (https)?

Not sure if you can iframe paypal on Marketo page. this might get complicated.

Level 3

Re: Shopping cart / Payment transaction on Marketo LP

Yep are pages are indeed secured!  Just went through this process recently and we're all set.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Shopping cart / Payment transaction on Marketo LP

Yes, as mentioned in another posts, we've done this with Chargify.  (You can't exchange tokens completely on the client, as that's easily forged; you need to run a webhook from Marketo in conjunction with the Marketo form.)

Of course as Gunjan mentioned, your Marketo LPs must run over SSL or it's a non-starter.

Level 3

Re: Shopping cart / Payment transaction on Marketo LP

Thanks Sanford!  Any Chargify documentation you could recommend to read up on this?  Would the webhook be listening for a response from the payment processor to indicate the successful transaction?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Shopping cart / Payment transaction on Marketo LP

The webhook isn't "listening" exactly (since it only fires in response to events in Marketo) but gathering additional transaction info based on the public identifier.

You can read all about the logic in the Chargify docs.