Is there an update on this and has the REST API reached parity with SOAP? The REST vs SOAP article mentions features that are found exclusively in REST but does not mention any of the features found in SOAP but not yet in REST. Does anyone know what these are?
Any help/comments are appreciated.
The Leads endpoints stand out as not having parity (they have mutually exclusive features, and I can't imagine working without the SOAP features). As for the rest, maybe some of us should get together and do a comparison, specifically not referring to new features but only parity.
I'm happy to help, but there should be very few places where SOAP still has unique features that are not available in REST. One remaining one is that SFDC Campaign ID and Name are not yet returned in 'Get Program' in REST, but that's coming shortly. While REST does not support Foreign System Person ID, it does support Lookup Fields, which is a much better method.
If there's a non-clunky way to replicate getMultipleLeads with the LastUpdateAtSelector, I'm all ears.