"Update all" option not available when trying to approve snippet

Level 1

"Update all" option not available when trying to approve snippet

I need to update a minor thing on a snippet. This snippet is used in almost 12,000 assets. I need to use the "update all" behavior  because I can't manually approve 12,000 assets. I have the "No Draft" permission enabled in the admin page, and if I try to approve other snippets, the "update all" option is available. 


It says this option isn't available if dynamic content is changed, but this snippet is static both in the current approved version and the draft I've created.


I can't figure out why the "update all" option is grayed out when I try to approve the snippet. Any ideas?

Level 2

Re: "Update all" option not available when trying to approve snippet

Have you come across this document detailing the limitations of No-Draft snippets? I recommend reviewing the items listed there to see if your snippet might be impacted. The document also offers some troubleshooting steps. 


Additionally, I personally haven't run into this snippet issue before but I know that we start running into difficulties reapproving email templates at 2,000-3,000 emails created with the template. I wonder if there's a similar limit for reapproving snippets. 

Level 5

Re: "Update all" option not available when trying to approve snippet

Hi @ckaplan,


You can update all the Assets associated with the snippet, I have also faced this issue in past months however, I have updated around 2000-3000 associated emails.


I have done this exercise in the Incognito (Private window) and all the associated assets have been approved.


