Program Success Date

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Level 2 - Champion Alumni

Program Success Date

If I have a smart campaign that sets the Program Status to a 'success' in the flow, and the schedule allows leads to run through every time, will the Program Success Date overwrite each time the same lead runs through it?


Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Program Success Date

That's not quite right, Oz.


You can repeatedly set the Program Success Date with someone still in the program; they don't have to be removed.


You have to change their Program Success (boolean) to false, which will automatically set their Program Success Date, somewhat confusingly, to today. Then you can change the Program Success Date to another date (which will also automatically set the boolean to true again).


This can be done in a single Smart Campaign with the steps in that order.

View solution in original post

Level 6

Re: Program Success Date

Hello @John_Charleswor 


I believe the program success date can only be set once unless you manually NULL it out first.

Level 2 - Champion Alumni

Re: Program Success Date

Makes sense, thanks for the reply

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Program Success Date

That's not quite right, Oz.


You can repeatedly set the Program Success Date with someone still in the program; they don't have to be removed.


You have to change their Program Success (boolean) to false, which will automatically set their Program Success Date, somewhat confusingly, to today. Then you can change the Program Success Date to another date (which will also automatically set the boolean to true again).


This can be done in a single Smart Campaign with the steps in that order.

Level 6

Re: Program Success Date

Thanks. I removed the part about needing to remove program membership. I thought that needed to be in place before NULL-ing out values.