Re: Populating event number field of a event program settings with custom value

Level 3

Populating event number field of a event program settings with custom value


It might be a funny question to ask, but would like to know the possiblity.

Is it possible to populate a "Event Number" field of event type program settings variable with a custom value via Marketo API?

Following screenshot is from Marketo example




Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Populating event number field of a event program settings with custom value

No, you can’t set this via API.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Populating event number field of a event program settings with custom value

This is a system managed field— and as Sandy says you can’t update it via API. Do you want to add some sort or meta-data to the event program in Marketo?

Level 3

Re: Populating event number field of a event program settings with custom value

Thank you Sanford and Darshil.

I just want to populate event number field with some custom event value to keep up with reporting for  specific events.

I see Event Number value is returned in a variable "webinarSessionId"  When I queried an event program using rest/asset/v1/program/{{eventId}}.json so I thought we could update Event Number value.


is there a  way to set manually?





Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Populating event number field of a event program settings with custom value

That ID is the event provider’s unique ID. It wouldn’t make sense to be able to arbitrarily change it.


Remember, reading a property via API doesn’t have anything to do with whether you can write it.

Level 3

Re: Populating event number field of a event program settings with custom value

Thank you, Sanford!, Make  sense.




Level 3

Re: Populating event number field of a event program settings with custom value

Hi Sanford,

Just to clarify,

Example screenshot I pasted here is to show the Event Number field I want to set the value. My requirement is , to set a value to Event Number field but not to modify the existing value. That means, an event type program is cloned ,which does not have any event provider set to it. Is it possible to set a value to Event Number? (I believe there is no Event Number field available since there is no event provider set to the program)


From our conversation, I understood that we cant set a value to an Event Number(webinarSessionId) via API or manually, which can be set by Marketo internally when an event provider is associated to an event program.




Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Populating event number field of a event program settings with custom value

You cannot set this value via API. Doesn't matter whether it's empty or not to begin with.