Re: Populate Lead Token on a Landing Page that is linked from MSI email

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Level 4

Populate Lead Token on a Landing Page that is linked from MSI email

Is it possible to leverage a lead token on a landing page that is linked from a Marketo Sales Email template? Here's the scenario, we have email templates in Marketo Sales Insight that have a link to a Marketo landing page. The Lead Owner wants the phone number on the Landing Page to match the Lead Owner's Phone number instead of a general phone number.  I tried testing this using the Lead Owner Phone Number token but it didn't populate as expected when I clicked the link from the MSI email.  Any tips or suggestions would be much appreciated!




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Level 4

Re: Populate Lead Token on a Landing Page that is linked from MSI email

I figured it out. The token was correct and populated as expected when I tested using an incognito browser. I guess I have too many test leads with my email address and my cookied lead did not have an owner so the Owner Phone number field did not populate even though I sent the test email to correct test lead.  Tokens are finicky.. 

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Level 10

Re: Populate Lead Token on a Landing Page that is linked from MSI email

I don't see why that should not work. You have to click that email from a real email send to you in order to populate the Marketo tracking token correctly. A click from the email preview or a sample send won't cut it.

Level 4

Re: Populate Lead Token on a Landing Page that is linked from MSI email

Hi Michael,

I did a "Send Email" action to a test lead with my email address.  The phone number di not populate on the landing page when I clicked the link in the email.  However, I added a token for Lead First Name and that DID populate. So I wonder, are there some tokens that are not supported on Marketo landing pages?

Level 10

Re: Populate Lead Token on a Landing Page that is linked from MSI email

I don't know. I tested with both Phone Temp - which is a string type field - and Phone - which is a phone type field - and both of them rendered fine on the landing page. Are you really, really sure your token name is correct? The token for the standard field "Phone" is {{lead.Phone Number}} - at least in our instance.

Level 4

Re: Populate Lead Token on a Landing Page that is linked from MSI email

I figured it out. The token was correct and populated as expected when I tested using an incognito browser. I guess I have too many test leads with my email address and my cookied lead did not have an owner so the Owner Phone number field did not populate even though I sent the test email to correct test lead.  Tokens are finicky.. 

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Populate Lead Token on a Landing Page that is linked from MSI email

Adding on to Micheal, send the sample test email as discussed in this marketo doc. Without selecting the test lead before sending the email no personalisation token will populate. Hope this helps you. 🙂



Level 4

Re: Populate Lead Token on a Landing Page that is linked from MSI email

I figured it out. The token was correct and populated as expected when I tested using an incognito browser. I guess I have too many test leads with my email address and my cookied lead did not have an owner so the Owner Phone number field did not populate even though I sent the test email to correct test lead.  Tokens are finicky..