One program to handle all list import in Marketo?

Level 4

One program to handle all list import in Marketo?

Hi all,

My manager wants to streamline the list import process. Currently, we manually upload the purchased list, tradeshows and webinars list(hosted by 3rd party) to our Marketo instance. The idea is to use one list import program - it'll sort it based on the fields (webinar, tradeshow, live event, etc.) once it gets uploaded. Then it gets scored via Marketo lead scoring program and synced over to Salesforce.

Here are my concerns to use one list import program instead of creating separate programs to handle it:

- No individual campaign program will be set up for the list of each event. I would think it'll increase the level of complexity to set up follow up emails or create nurture campaigns?

- How to properly track the cost of each event? My manager said the number can insert from Salesforce? My concern is missing the valuable Marketo reporting.

- Quite some manual massage on the spreadsheet will be required if we want to use one list import program to handle all?

How do you handle the manual list import? Any thoughts or feedbacks will be appreciated.

Thanks so much!


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: One program to handle all list import in Marketo?

You should import leads into the proper Acquisition Program for each Event, Tradeshow, List Vendor (and date), etc... this is how Marketo works.

Your scoring system will listen for Program Statuses, Data Changes, etc to process the leads as they progress. There is a lot of info out there on this.

Ideally you add Period Cost for each month that there is a Cost for this Asset or Channel, however, that's only if you use RCE. If you don't, you can just plug the Cost into SFDC.