Re: Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Level 2

Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Hey Marketo Nation,

I am trying to set up a simple nurture stream, where members run through the three streams and receive an email weekly regardless of behavior. How do I set up the transition smartlist? I've run a few tests but nothing seems to pull the members from the first stream into the second (and eventually the third). Very tactical question, but what should my trigger be for the second and third streams?

Level 3

Re: Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Hi Elise,

Each stream you set up has default transition rules when you click on the 'Transition Rules' then 'Edit Transition Rules'. In order to get this to how you'd like to transition from one stream to the next (ideally, when the lead has exhausted being in the initial stream) you can add additional triggers and/or filters to the default transition rules that will help them flow through the different streams as you'd like.

Here is a Marketo doc that could also help you out: Transition People Between Engagement Streams - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation


Level 10

Re: Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Hi Elise,

if you want to send the emails regardless of behavior, why would you have them in three streams instead of in just one?

And regarding the transition Smart List: We have stopped using Transition Rules. We find it easier to read, if we just use Smart Lists underneath the Engagement Program, put them in a folder and name them specifically with what they are doing. Their setup is just something like:

Smart List: Member of Stream A AND specific behavior

Flow: Move to Stream B

2019-01-14 11_33_27.png

Level 2

Re: Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Hi Michael,

You make a good point. I could easily just set-up a batch programs to send out emails, but I think I should get to the practice of setting up these engagement programs.

Ultimately, I just wanted the transitions to work (the way Marketo has officially instructed in their tutorials) and they're not. I can pull a "test" lead into the first stream. No problem there. Once they have exhausted the content in that first stream though they're NOT moving into the second. I don't understand this since the transition I set up for the second stream allows anyone that was sent the last email in the first stream.

Regarding your transition rules folder, would you be willing to send a screen shot of the smartlist and flow for a couple?

Level 10

Re: Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Hi Elise - just to make sure we're on the same page: The Smart Campaigns I listed in that screenshot are not sending emails - they organize the flow between streams. They are the transition rules.

And to your program: The trigger at the top of your MOFU transition rule doesn't fire. Your condition is not that a person is added to the program, but instead that their Content is exhausted. You have to explicitly tell that to your program. So my transition Smart List that moves records from TOFU to MOFU would look like this:

2019-01-15 11_01_51.png

And I would run this Smart Campaign as a recurring batch, scheduled something like two hours before your Engagement Program fires.

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Re: Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Hi Elise,

It'd be helpful to know more about why/when someone should transition, but Michael's guidance should give you a good start. I also use smart campaigns outside of the transition rules. Much easier to keep an eye on, and IMO a trigger is not necessary nor always helpful. Batch campaigns should work just fine.


Level 4

Re: Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Hi Elise -

Can you post screen shots of your transition criteria as it is currently set up? Maybe we can find an error in the set up that way.

Level 2

Re: Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Here it I mentioned above, once stream one is exhausted the lead does NOT move into stream 2.

Screen Shot 2019-01-14 at 8.26.13 PM.png

Level 4

Re: Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Right now you have the transition triggering off of "added to engagement program" which means when a lead is added to TOFU, it will check to see if the other criteria is met (was sent email..., unsub = false, member of engagement). No one will be able to enter the MOFU stream because at the time of the check, no one will meet the criteria. Instead, you'll want to change the trigger to "email is delivered" with "email is...". You should still include your other filters and the flow is the same.

Hope that helps!

Level 4

Re: Nurture Transition Streams- How to set-up the transition smartlist?

Can you post another screen shot Elise once you fix this error in the nurture stream? Good for others to learn from it?