New Socedo user looking for insight...

Not applicable

New Socedo user looking for insight...

I've been tasked with some members of our department with integrating Socedo with Marketo. The technical integration itself is obviously pretty straightforward. However, I'm trying to envision the best way to enable Socedo in our Marketo instance.

What are people doing internally in Marketo with Socedo? What listening campaigns are you firing? How are you leveraging the integration with Marketo?

I'm essentially looking for some use cases on how we want to leverage the platform after it is installed.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: New Socedo user looking for insight...

Best thing to do is come up with use cases and look at their blog or case studies. we won't know your audience as well as you.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: New Socedo user looking for insight...

I got halfway through a Socedo implementation before switching companies.

Socedo was generating the right leads for us, but they weren't ready to engage with sales. So a nurture program was best to warm them up.

So the campaign (would have been) lead is generated and populated in Marketo by Socedo, drip campaign with other pieces of helpful content and meeting requests follow over the next couple of weeks.

So, also pretty straightforward.

Not applicable

Re: New Socedo user looking for insight...

Thanks, Darrell. I haven't been able to dig too deep into exactly how we will be able to better leverage Socedo with Marketo, but it sounds like it's essentially just another demand gen tool to get names into the top of the funnel and populate some additional data on the record.

I was hoping to see some other situations where customers have found different ways to leverage the integration, but if they don't exist, thats fine.