MyToken in Create Task step

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Level 2

MyToken in Create Task step

I looked around and didn't see a similar question/answer so apologies if this has been answered before!

I have a campaign where I set up a few MyTokens to use in the email template. I also use some in the Create Task step of the flow (in the comments section). However, in a recent batch, I noticed the tokens didn't come through in the comments. Does this not work?


Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: MyToken in Create Task step

Those never work outside of emails. That's your explanation.

View solution in original post

Level 3

Re: MyToken in Create Task step

Hi Brittany - what does your program set up look like? If you have an email program where the My Tokens live and you have a smart campaign that creates your tasks in the flow living outside of that email program then the My Tokens will not populate here. It's a safer bet to use person tokens, company tokens, system tokens, etc in any flow steps.

Level 2

Re: MyToken in Create Task step

Hi Anna,

The tokens and the smart campaign that both sends the email and creates the task within the flow step are all within the same email program. It seems like the email is taking the tokens in the send; just not the task.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: MyToken in Create Task step

What kind of {{my.tokens}} though? Velocity (Email Script) tokens? Text tokens?

Level 2

Re: MyToken in Create Task step

Hi Sanford,

These are Velocity tokens.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: MyToken in Create Task step

Those never work outside of emails. That's your explanation.

Level 2

Re: MyToken in Create Task step

Bummer. Thank you!