We have multiple sales owners for a single contact record based on our Line of Business. Many of these contacts have three sales owners as those are part of all three Line of Business (one for each LOB).
As we would like to send personalized emails using different Salesforce Owner from Marketo, we would like to push all these Sales owner fields information to Marketo without creating multiple custom fields in Salesforce.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
Hi Suhail,
How are you currently capturing all of the sales owners in Salesforce? Or are you not doing that yet and you're looking for advice on how to proceed?
One thing to keep in mind is Marketo will need to be able to distinguish which sales owner's name should be pulled into which emails. My initial thought is having a separate field field for each LOB's sales owner on the contact record would set you up to use tokens in your emails to pull the correct sales owner's name for the correct LOB. Are you using segments or partitions for your LOB's?
Let's throw two ideas out there which we are both using:
1. This is a one-to-many relationship. One Marketo record - more than one owner. If you don't want to create x number of fields in both Salesforce and Marketo, you could load all Salesforce users - the potential owners - into a Marketo Custom Object and tie these objects to your lead database.
We have a similar situation, but we store our owners in a Salesforce Custom Object already and then sync this Salesforce object to a Marketo Custom Object using a connector platform. (Vertify right now, but we have done this with Scribe in the past as well).
2. Store your owner names, phone, title... in an Email Script Token and populate variables based on the SFDC ID (which you have in Marketo, right?). This would look something like this:
## Set default values#set($name = "First Last")#set($title = "Title")#set($phone = "Phone")#set($email = "first.last@acme.com")##lookup rep#if (${lead.Lead_Owner__c} == "0051B00000CtH2CQAV")#set($name = "Michael Florin")#set($title = "Marketing Automation Architect")#set($phone = "004972100000")#set($email = "michael.florin@acme.com")#end## Print the signature<b>${name}</b><br><i>${title}</i><br>${phone}<br>${email}
Mind that if you go with 1) you'd also need an email script to populate name, title, phone from the Marketo Custom Object into your email.
Michael Florin - this is pretty rad! I was wondering if scripting tokens could sort this out You mentioned setting up the scripting token to populate off of the SFDC ID, how do you go about identifying/populating the correct rep's ID?
Hi Ellie,
l suppose you're syncing the owner(s) into Marketo, right? And the value that Salesforce syncs down is the 18-char SFDC ID. So that's why this line in the script works:
#if (${lead.Lead_Owner__c} == "0051B00000CtH2CQAV")
("Lead_Owner__c" is the API name of SFDC's Lead Owner field in my instance.)
And the rest - I'm sorry to say - is manual work. Have an excel file with the columns
SFDC ID (18 char) | First | Last | Title | Phone | Email
and transfer that into Velocity.
Yes, I know, that's not a scalable solution and you'll have a hard time if you have 100 reps. But I suppose Suhail's use case won't have that many reps by LOB, and your email sends (and with that your script tokens) will always be LOB specific.
Michael Florin - Let's say...
I have 3 rep ID's in my Salesforce field, each for a different LOB
I'm sending an email from Marketo to a list that's pulling in people from all three LOB's
I'll have more than one rep's information in the field on the recipient's Salesforce record that qualifies to populate in the email
Which rep's information is going to get pulled into the scripting token and populated in my email? Is there a way to set this? I'm not well versed in velocity so maybe that's accounted for. I'm just trying to understand
You have three IDs in one field? Separated by comma? Could you check if that is really the case? I would find that very unusual.
To me it would look much more likely if you had one field per LOB owner. So you might have three owner fields in both Salesforce and Marketo, and you would need three scripts to retrieve names, titles, addresses for these three rep types. And even if you had only one email content you would want to send to your whole database, you would still need to decide which Marketo record should receive which's LOBs owner signature. So I would go with three emails to three LOB audiences and these three emails utilize three different script tokens to create the LOB appropriate signature.
I mean, I guess you could do something with three IDs in one field as well, but that could turn out to be pretty messy.
Just to clarify, I'm a bystander here and just interested in the topic.
Suhail EK - could you please clarify? Do you have a separate field on the record for each sales owner? Or are they all stored in one field?
Thank you for humouring my questions, Michael ^.^