Re: Member webinar url token doesn't work for reminder emails?

Level 9

Member webinar url token doesn't work for reminder emails?

We recently switched to ReadyTalk and I'm currently trying to set up reminder emails to be sent via Marketo, and not via ReadyTalk. The problem I've run into is that the {{member.webinar URL}} token doesn't populate in the reminder emails. It works fine in the registration confirmation and .ics file sent with that initial email.

I've tried creating a smart campaign to send the reminder email (both of which reside in the webinar program) and I've also tried nesting an email program within the webinar program. Neither setup populates the webinar URL token. The .ics, which uses that token also, doesn't populate it either.

I've reached out to support but so far haven't gained much ground, so I figured I'd see if anyone had encountered this.
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Member webinar url token doesn't work for reminder emails?

Did this work with your other webinar provider?

I can't say I've noticed this issue with GTW, but it's been awhile since I fully tested it.
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Re: Member webinar url token doesn't work for reminder emails?

Hi Josh,

I'm experiencing a similar problem with the {{member.webinar url}} not populating within the body of the email. I followed your recommendation to change the status to registered in the confirmation flow step and added a 1 minute wait step before sending out the registration confirmation email. Any other ideas what could be going on? Thanks!

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Re: Member webinar url token doesn't work for reminder emails?

Jenna, is this a problem only with the confirmation email or also with reminder emails?

Level 9

Re: Member webinar url token doesn't work for reminder emails?

We used ON24 previously and I never attempted to send the reminders through Marketo, I always used the native system with the platform.
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Re: Member webinar url token doesn't work for reminder emails?

I am having this same problem with GTW. Any ideas?
Level 9

Re: Member webinar url token doesn't work for reminder emails?

So the problem with mine seemed to be with inviting/registering speakers. In ReadyTalk, there's a separate function that allows you to register speakers and bypass the normal process, but in doing so it doesn't set them up with a {{member.webinar URL}} token, so whenever they would get reminders it would show blank.

Not sure if the function is similar for GTW or if it's even the same circumstances, but that's what my issue turned out to be.
Level 4

Re: Member webinar url token doesn't work for reminder emails?

Hi Matt,

In my scenario, I was sending a confirmation email and two reminder emails for a GTW webinar using the member.webinar URL token. The confirmation email showed the URL correctly, but the first reminder email did not show the URL. I did a quick test, and I think this is what's causing the issue.

The confirmation email was sent as part of a trigger campaign (if lead fills out form, change status > registered, send confirmation email) that is directly under the umbrella event program. I set up the first reminder email in an email program that lives under the event program. But that meant the email itself lives under the email program (which can have its own tokens), not the event program.

I did a test and set up the second reminder as a smart campaign under the event program (i.e., the reminder email lives under the event program and inherits its tokens), and it worked correctly.

Hope this helps.
