Re: Match Records Across Custom Objects Dynamically

Level 5

Match Records Across Custom Objects Dynamically


Does anyone have any idea/thoughts on the best way to match/tie records within a Lead across different objects in a way that can be used through Smart Lists without needing to be specific to the exact record?

For example:

Object Name Person A Person B Person C
Customer Details Bob Susan Bill
Accounts Savings Checking Savings
Loans Car Motorcycle Mortgage
Identifier Field 123 456 789


I know I could do something like a unique identifier that applies to the Customer Details, Accounts, and Loans tied to an individual record within the Lead - but is there a way to use a Smart List to do something like:

Has Customer Details

Has Accounts = Savings
Has Loans = Car


Like is there a filter to match without needing to specify the match itself? Like obviously you could do "Field X contains "123"  but that doesn't help if you are sending to multiple people.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Match Records Across Custom Objects Dynamically

Are you unable to get all applicable people by using the Has CO filters with appropriate constraints added for each CO? Something similar to what you have mentioned in your question.


Has Customer Details 

Has Accounts = Savings 
Has Loans = Car


Of course, you'd need your COs linked with the person object using a link field (e.g., Email, Lead Id, etc.)

Level 5

Re: Match Records Across Custom Objects Dynamically

Sort of, the issue isn't necessarily looking for applicable people as much as an individual record within a Lead. Our institution allows for multiple records to exist under a single email address so it might look like this:

Email Address Name ID Bob 123 Susan 123


So the issue is that if I want to see if Bob as an individual has a Checking Account - from a data standpoint I have Bob's record and I have Checking Accounts that have Bob as the primary (by Full Name and Relationship) BUT I'm not sure of the best way to do something like the following within a Smart List or Campaign:


Membership Opening Date in past X days (to get Bob's record) AND Has Checking Account - but by default it will pull Bob from the one object, but then will look at ALL Checking Accounts on the Lead since there's nothing to tie to Bob's record unless I add the specific ID.

Which works if I'm looking for one person, but not for an evergreen always-on campaign that continuously runs. Hopefully that makes sense! 🙂 

Edit: One solution I thought of is adding duplicate date fields so I can compare "Membership Opened this date range" and "Checking Account opened this date range" and although it won't be a 1:1 match it should snag the majority of records correctly.