Marketo form checkbox styling issue

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo form checkbox styling issue

Dave, the specific reason I didn’t make that suggestion is that a Checkboxes set with a single checkbox isn’t supposed to behave the same way as a Checkbox.


There is currently a bug (I’ve written about it before) that makes the forms library behave as you want here. But it’s a bug that may be fixed at any time, so you can’t rely on it. When it’s fixed, your form breaks.


By design, a Checkbox manages a boolean field in both directions, sending “yes” if it’s checked and “no” if it’s unchecked. This works reliably.


By design, a checkbox within a Checkboxes set is different. It sends a value if it’s checked, but it will not send a value if it’s unchecked — thus leaving the server value as-is.


But due to a coincidental bug, if you have a single checkbox within a Checkboxes set and its value is “yes”, the library misinterprets the original type as being Checkbox. (Rather than consulting the actual type checkbox as it should, it duck-types the field and guesses it’s a single_checkbox based on the value attribute.) It then proceeds as if it were a Checkbox with the two possible values “yes” and “no”. But again, this isn’t supposed to be the case. The Checkboxes value “yes” should be no different than “yass”.

Level 10

Re: Marketo form checkbox styling issue

Thanks for the explanation here, appreciate it. Any idea when/if this bug is going to get addressed? 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo form checkbox styling issue

Can’t say. Probably not until there’s another major version of the library? But I’m sure it wasn’t not intentional.


Btw to work around it and have a Checkboxes set work as it should with only one visible checkbox, add a second checkbox (it doesn’t matter what value it has, no one will ever see it) and hide it with CSS:

/* hide extra checkbox used to fix checkboxes bug */
.mktoForm .mktoLabel[for="Unsubscribed"] ~ div input:not(:first-child),
.mktoForm .mktoLabel[for="Unsubscribed"] ~ div input:not(:first-child) ~ label {
  display: none;


Since there’s more than one checkbox in the DOM, even if not shown to the end user, Marketo won’t accidentally treat the set as a single. Now if the checkbox is unchecked the server value will be untouched.

Level 4

Re: Marketo form checkbox styling issue

Hi @Yavor_Todorov,


You can achieve the desired result by using the below CSS

.mktoFieldWrap {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
label#LbltemporaryEmailOptIn {
    order: 2;
.mktoGutter.mktoHasWidth {
    display: none;
.mktoForm .mktoFormRow .mktoRadioList, .mktoForm .mktoFormRow .mktoCheckboxList {
    width: auto !important;
    padding: 0 !important;
    float: left !important;
    margin-top: -5px !important;


