Load Marketo Form Lightbox upon clicking specific link on landing page

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Load Marketo Form Lightbox upon clicking specific link on landing page

You have an extra call to loadForm() (you're already injecting the form via the named form element).


The position is just a CSS thing.

Level 10

Re: Load Marketo Form Lightbox upon clicking specific link on landing page

It's a little off-topic in terms of using the native Marketo Form Pop-Up but if you're building with Bootstrap I find it's easier to include a modal (pop-up) that contains your form and then it's much easier to change the trigger (or have multiple triggers) that fire the modal with your form inside.

Here's a link to the Bootstrap modal information if you're curious about how that works and the different options you'd get out-of-the-box: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/components/modal/