Re: Invalid Email Addresses

Level 1

Invalid Email Addresses

I am trying to run a report to view bad emails within our Marketo instance, but I'm finding that an email could be listed as bad, but is not categorized as unsubscribed, invalid, or blacklisted, what other reason could there be for them being in a report?

Level 7

Re: Invalid Email Addresses

Hi Samantha,

Other possible reasons for "bad emails":

marketing suspended, email suspended or hard bounced.


Ronen Wasserman
Level 10

Re: Invalid Email Addresses

It really depends what you mean by "bad". Is this an internal designation that you've set up? Bounces would be the main thing I'd think of, but you'll want to dig in a little more and see what is marking them as bad.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Invalid Email Addresses


I would run a smart list of bounced email addresses with the additional filters of "Email Suspended Cause" and "Email Invalid Cause" not contains "spam".

Sometimes an email marked spam will deliver a false positive and show as hard bounced, when indeed the email address is valid.

Marketo Employee

Re: Invalid Email Addresses

Hi Devraj,

That is actually not a false positive, it is by design.  There are two categories of Hard Bounce: Category 1 which is for spam blocks and Category 2 which is for invalid email addresses.  You can specify which category you wish to search for in the constraints menu, so for finding only invalid email addresses you would want to specify Category 2.

Not applicable

Re: Invalid Email Addresses

During our account setup, I created a group of smart lists on deliverability and list "health." The lists include:

  • All Hard and Soft Bounces
  • Customer Complaint Received by ISP
  • Hard Bounce Category 1 - Spam
  • Hard Bounce Category 2 - Email Invalid
  • Hard Bounce Category 4 - Technical Issues
  • Soft Bounces

If you haven't set these up, I'd suggest you do so you have a good foundation to look into the "bad emails" you refer to. Happy to show how these lists were built.

Level 7

Re: Invalid Email Addresses

This blog may be helpful as you review different bounce types - How to Manage Your Marketo Database for Deliverability

Thank you,


Kiersti Esparza
Level 4

Re: Invalid Email Addresses

Hi Christina,

How did you know what subcategories were available for the email bounced filter? Nothing is coming up in my value selector. Nothing is in the product docs specifying subcategories. Could you point me to or list the types? Thanks so much!


Level 7

Re: Invalid Email Addresses


You can review this blog posting for help building a Smart List by bounce category:

Smart Lists: Bounce Types

Create a SmartList for each of the major types of Bounces:

  • Hard Bounces – Spam Block
    • Filter: Email Bounced (set constraints as needed, by time range or by email)
    • Constraint: Category is 1

spamblock.pngExample of hard bounce, spam block bounce type

  • Hard Bounces – Email Invalid
    • Filter: Email Bounced (set constraints as needed, by time range or by email)
    • Constraint: Category is 2

invalid.pngExample of hard bounce, email invalid bounce type

  • Soft Bounces – Mailbox full, other technical issues
    • Filter: Email Soft Bounced (set constraints as needed, by time range or by email)
    • Constraint: Category is 3


  • Soft Bounces – Technical
    • Filter: Email Soft Bounced (set constraints as needed, by time range or by email)
    • Constraint: Category is 4


Kiersti Esparza
Level 4

Re: Invalid Email Addresses

Thanks, Kiersti!