Re: How to Create a Engagement Program?

Level 2

How to Create a Engagement Program?

I'm a Newbie to Marketo, Could Yu please lemme know how to create an enagagement program By following below steps:

Assets: Email 1, Email2, Followup1 Email, List

1. Action : Email1 Sends

2. Trigger the email 1--opens but didnot click the link in email ---send the email 2

3. Trigger the Email 1 ---Clicked the link in email ---Add to List

4. Trigger the Email 1----Open, But didnot click---Followup1 Email 

Level 9

Re: How to Create a Engagement Program?

Hi Shivani!

Welcome to the Marketo community!  I would recommend first checking out the official Marketo documentation and this Marketo University webinar about creating Engagement Programs. This should give you a really good sense of what Engagement Programs are and how they are intended to be used.

Second, Joe Reitz has a great YouTube series called Marketo Fu that I found really helpful when I first started using Marketo a few years back. There's one specifically that talks about the different program types and how/why to use them which might be helpful in this scenario, but also check out any other videos that seem applicable to you in your role. 


Level 1

Re: How to Create a Engagement Program?

Hi, I'm trying to learn about engagement programs, and I'd like to watch the webinar you referenced in this message a couple of years ago, but when I click it, it says "This webinar is Private".  Marketo University webinar  Is it possible to get access to it?



Level 7

Re: How to Create a Engagement Program?

So in this case you can send first email from your engagement stream and then default program with smart campaigns takes place. So would need to create three seperate smart campaigns and I am guessing that you know which filter to use.


Note: you can only use batch campaign in the the nurturing stream.

Then you can add these smart campaigns in the nurturing stream.

Hope this helps!


Best regards,
Sant Singh Rathaur
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: How to Create a Engagement Program?

I have to disagree with the concept of using a nurture program for this flow to start with. The Default program you describe will do the job for you, so there is no need at all to build a whole nurture around this.