Re: Group Leads By Activity Date

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Group Leads By Activity Date


I am trying to create a report to give me the daily number of leads who fill out certain web form.
Which "group leads by" field I should choose in the set up of the report?
I am not seeing anything like "Form filled out date" in the available fileds dropdown list.
If there is no such field available now, how can I create a new field to track the date that the lead filles out certain web form?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Group Leads By Activity Date

Hi Jenny

Use a "Lead Performance"  report, group by "Created At"  and specify the value as days. Then in the smartlist bring in the filter "Member of Smart Campaign"  and add in your webform campaigns you are interested in. This will only show you new lead created however.

If you want to see all lead that went through a specific webform campaign then you could use the timestamp that you use for the webform campaign if you have this in your webform campaign flow. If you don't timestamp your webform campaigns it is a good idea to do this, so just create a new date or dateTime field in Admin and add it to your webform campaign flow using "Change Data Value" step and a token ""  or "system.dateTime" depending on the type of field you setup.

Hope that helps

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Re: Group Leads By Activity Date

Hi Daniel,

Thank you so much for your reply. The first option is what I am using now but it does not meet the needs. I need all leads who filled out the web form no matter when they are created. 
Your second solution meets my needs. Is it possible to provide some details on how to add the timestamp to the webform flow? I need that date that the web form is filled. Your help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Group Leads By Activity Date

Hi Daniel,

Thank you so much for your reply. The first option is what I am using now but it does not meet the needs. I need all leads who filled out the web form no matter when they are created. 
Your second solution meets my needs. Is it possible to provide some details on how to add the timestamp to the webform flow? I need that date that the web form is filled. Your help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Group Leads By Activity Date

Hi Jenny

No problem, you just need to create a new field in Admin that is either a "Date" or "DateTime" field and add to your flow the below change data value step. My example is a "DateTime" field. The token will stamp the exact date and time that the action happened for each lead record it happens to.


If you don't have this in your flow already, if there is something unique that happened in the webform flow (e.g. alert was sent or added to a list), you could use a smartlist to look to see how many people had that action happen to them in a specific date range. This could take a while if you wanted to know daily though, but if you need to report on the data, this is an option. Example below if say an alert was sent:


Hope this helps
