If we post a link on facebook for example is it possible for whoever clicks on it to show up in marketo as a lead and have its lead source be facebook?

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If we post a link on facebook for example is it possible for whoever clicks on it to show up in marketo as a lead and have its lead source be facebook?

If we post a link on facebook (for example) is it possible for whoever clicks on it to show up in marketo as a lead and have its lead source be facebook?

Can we use the URL builder for this? Or is it only used for Marketo Landing Pages
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Re: If we post a link on facebook for example is it possible for whoever clicks on it to show up in marketo as a lead and have its lead source be facebook?

I don't think there is any way to generate a lead from an anonymous link click, even from within your own domain or a Marketo subdomain, let alone on a social network.  You'd have to capture that lead's information through some sort of form submission, otherwise everything would simply be inferred (from reverse IP lookup or otherwise).

That being said, I would still suggest looking on Launchpoint for a Marketo-integrated social media app that could help automate some level of lead capture.  Socedo came recommended to me, though I haven't tried them out firsthand yet.
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Re: If we post a link on facebook for example is it possible for whoever clicks on it to show up in marketo as a lead and have its lead source be facebook?

Could be wrong here, but I think i've heard of something along the lines of this. You would need to direct your link to a marketo tracked page be your .com site or marketo landing page.

When an anon visitor comes to your site with munckin code a cookie is dropped creating an anon lead in Marketo. Marketo will keep this data in the system for when the lead eventually identifies itself. Pretty sure there is a window that the lead may be dropped if they don't continue to do any actions for x period of time.

If you tag your links with UTM code, you can build programs within Marketo that when an anonymous lead is created to populate certain fields being your lead source.

Look on the forum for first and last touch attribution, good stuff here you may want to read on.

Your programs might look like this **ive never tested it out, but i would begin here.

Smart campaign - smart list:
  • trigger - lead is created
  • filter - visited web page (your page) add query string constraint and paste your query string URL there
  • filter - lead is anonymous
  • filter - lead source is empty
Smart campaign - flow:
  • change data value "lead source field" - "Facebook Token"
In your program create tokens, use these tokens to populate the field with the social media channel of your choice. For example a text based token to populate your Source Field with the text "Facebook".

Would have to test this out. Might work, might not. Just dreamed it up on the couch.

Keep in mind you can't really do much with these "leads" till you get them to fill out a form.

Level 4

Re: If we post a link on facebook for example is it possible for whoever clicks on it to show up in marketo as a lead and have its lead source be facebook?

Hi Isabela,

I am not sure if you can track the email address of the person visiting promotional url. But if you can track it, you can create an intermetiate page that captures email address (if possible) for lead creation in Marketo. Add a hidden form which populates the fetched field and auto submits the information to Marketo. Also add munchkin to that page. Then redirect to desired landing page. One concern I see is privacy.

Better option is to use a small form with email address and company/ Name on the promotional url itself (which will be Marketo form) You can also try using social form fill where user can use his social information to fill out a form on your page.
